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Cover image for Using React or Gatsby? Let me show you the error of your ways 😱🍿! Introducing the ultimate motherf***ing website !

Using React or Gatsby? Let me show you the error of your ways 😱🍿! Introducing the ultimate motherf***ing website !

GrahamTheDev on August 08, 2021

Have you ever wondered what the ultimate website looked like? Well I am afraid you are going to have to put up with a few swears if you want to fin...
posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

Can you change the title to appropriate words ?


grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

I can’t actually tell (for once) if this one needed the </sarcasm> tag adding.

I think I know but just in case you are serious what do you suggest?

posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

Yes I'm very serious

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Ok do you have a suggestion then?

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

I think replacing the bad word with ***

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

But I'm very sad that you bought a whole website with that word in the URL !!


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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Happy to do that in the title, obvious the article won't change though!

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

It's my Idea to replace the bad word. So if you like to replace it - replace. Choice is yours @inhuofficial . I love all the posts that you made instead for this post. So, the next time don't post bad words.

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Oh and the website with that in the URL is kind of unavoidable with the whole point on this.

I did put a disclaimer that if you don't like swear words that you shouldn't read the article. Sadly I cannot do much more than that I am afraid!

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

That's why I didn't read it

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’ β€’ Edited

I do occasionally use swear words (not as often as in this article), so I will make sure it is prominent within the article introduction for you so you don't read something that might upset you unintentionally.

I won't change my use of swear words, but I hope that doesn't mean you don't stop enjoying my articles. Any of my serious articles do not tend to have any offensive words so you should be OK there.

Thanks for letting me know, as I said I will make sure that within the first two paragraphs of articles (before any swear words) I explain it even more clearly. I have changed the title as best I can, I hope that is better for you (I did have one * in the title in case you missed it, improved it to 3 *.)

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

I am enjoying your articles as much silliness is there : ) So, don't stop writing articles

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Oh don't worry, even if I upset a few people I won't stop writing. I do, however, try to make my articles as inclusive as possible within my personality.

One thing I have learned is you will always offend someone if you want to write anything reasonably exciting, but that doesn't mean I can't protect people from exposure to stuff unintentionally (such as in the title).

Perhaps I will write an article on this as a suggestion for DEV to include a toggle that is "Not Safe For Work" (which is essentially nudity, swearing etc.) so that if articles like this do offend you you do not have to see them in the feed.

That seems better, I can still write what I want to but I can also flag it as "may be offensive" so that you don't have to see it in the first place? What do you think?

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’

It's OK to write posts like this. So if there are any inappropriate content put a notice in top of the post. That's all I need.

: )

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posandu profile image
Posandu β€’


jayjeckel profile image
Jay Jeckel β€’

The whole series of sites is a thing a beauty and I think your contribution definitely marks you the new reigning champion!

I must praise your thematic use of WTFPL license, gave me a good chuckle. However, at the same time, I have to curse you for perpetuating the existence of that license-imitating pile of excrement.

To quote the WTFPL:

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

Emphasis mine to highlight the problem with the WTFPL -- it's permissions only apply to the license itself, not to the external content that it is supposedly the license of. The WTFPL is funny as a joke, but like most jokes the humor vanishes as soon as someone takes it seriously, especially when it doesn't do the one thing people think it does, ie give people permission to do WTF ever they want with the related content.

Everyone that creates content on the internet should care about licenses, but if you really don't want to mess with it, then simply don't mess with it. Leave your content unlicensed all rights reserved and let fair use cover whatever legitimate need people have to copy and share the info.

If you don't want to think about licensing and just want to give your content to the world, as it were, then slap a simple public domain equivalent CC0 license on it. This is the same as the USA practice of dedicating something to the public domain, except it also attempts to extend the practice to areas of the world that don't recognize the public domain.

Either of those or any other real license is preferable to the nonsense that is the WTFPL. Again, no knock on your use of it as a joke, just wanted to rant a bit in case a new person out there might have been tempted to treat it as a real license. /rant

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

To be brutally honest, although I knew it was a joke license I did not know that it would actually be problematic in the real world (first time using it after seeing it a few times and it making me chuckle!)

Super interesting, I should perhaps add a line at the bottom with a proper license! Thanks for the top tip, it highlights that my licensing knowledge is lacking!

stokito profile image
Sergey Ponomarev β€’

If you are looking for then the only one license that doesn’t have issues is 0BSD:

  • It’s used by Google for Android part (Toybox) while the WTFPL is blocked.
  • The BSD licenses are well known for corporate lawyers and they’ll be fine with it.
  • It doesn’t mention the problematic Public Domain but it’s effectively it’s equivalent.
  • It’s popular and used even more often WTFPL.
  • It’s very short and doesn’t have many versions.
  • It’s old and used since 2006

Just use the one the same license to avoid fragmentation and confusing.

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

It is a tough one (being serious) as I would love to make it a PWA but I just think if I did that I have missed the original point of the first site which is "shit don't have to be fucking complicated, do things properly and stop adding stuff you don't need".

I think it is too far to make it a PWA within the spirit of the posts...but maybe a new challenger will emerge (hint!). 🀣

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ β€’

I'd just point out that the image associated with this post which uses strong language appears in the feed list when your post makes it to the top. Perhaps blur out the profanity in the image?

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Thanks for the heads up Mike, I have blanked the swearing out in the article cover. No idea how I didn't put two and two together on that with the home / other feeds.

Apologies to everyone, that was a massive oversight!

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ β€’

Easily done. Great article :)

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Crap I completely forgot that. I will swap it out when I get home.

siddharthshyniben profile image
Siddharth β€’

Oh, I could definitely beat you.

As for the CSP stuff, it's not required as your site is basically static, but you could use <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; img-src https://*; child-src 'none';"> or something similar.

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

There is an inline style tag, that won’t work!

Love to see what you can do so....bring it on! 😜🀣

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders β€’

In their defense - Safari is ensuring a less than perfect experience with regards to service worker.

Goodbye Offline Page
PR: Remove service worker #12974

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

As I said, but I will say it again, if you do spot an error in the website then please do let me know, I don't want to be preaching about how wonderful the site is if I have f*cked it up somewhere.

Now please do excuse me, I need to go wash my mouth out with soap and water after all that swearing! 🀣

ajitsinghkaler profile image
Ajit Singh β€’

Long links and text break on mobile you too are just a mere mortal just like all of us πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’ β€’ Edited

Think I have fixed that, I had pumped the default font size up to 1.25rem (20px), which is excessive on a phone, taken it back to 1.2rem (19.2px) and adjusted the h1 size, should hopefully now be fine, could you let me know!?

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ajitsinghkaler profile image
Ajit Singh β€’

Congrats! You made the perfect site

After all the years responsiveness still gets everyone atleast once (:-p)

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

haha, so true on responsiveness. I am sure there are other blunders I have made on the site too! At least you caught that one for me nice and early! Thanks!

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Ah can I ask what phone / at what resolution. I will go do 1000 pull ups as penance and then see about a fix!

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Hehe I think I will add a JS version just for you!

If I do I will do it properly so it has an β€œadd to home page” button. Already done most of the icon and manifest requirements for that anyway so might as well!

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

I am aware it is not a PWA πŸ˜₯, but I think at that point I have taken it too far from the original as JS has to be involved.

In fairness though the only time that would matter would be in completely zero signal area, it is that tiny it will work on H+ / EDGE connections!

I would also add a dark theme switcher if we could use JS (as the CSS only ones require you to put the checkbox outside of the sectional HTML and therefore aren't valid HTML anymore πŸ˜₯) as it isn't ideal that you can't change the theme yourself.

I could add a sub-page with the PWA goodness and a few other things that JS would afford maybe? "" is also available πŸ˜‰πŸ€£

I was trying to stay within the original idea though so I am not sure where I draw the line!

siddharthshyniben profile image
Siddharth β€’

I was going to mention that

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders β€’

People trying to implement service workers "simply" tend to run into problems in the long run - i.e. things aren't always that simple.

quyctd profile image
Quy Dinh Cong β€’

I'm happy because I'm reading this article, keep it up

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

If it made you smile then it did it's job! πŸ˜‚ Thanks a lot!

tubrogoth profile image
Turbo Goth β€’

Am I the only one who finds these things on obnoxious? Accessibility shaming is lame.

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’ β€’ Edited

"Lame" might not have been the best choice of words 🀣

Seriously though, happy to have a chat about it, I am not normally militant about accessibility (the format of the "motherfucking" websites lent itself to calling people out as that was the essence of the other sites.)

I will always prod people and point out accessibility errors, I even get "summoned" to do it on DEV as a bit of fun! But if you don't know about how to do something in an accessible way that is fair enough, it is my job to try and show people how to do things properly. However, if you do know and don't bother then that is different.

But is it the calling out you object to (fair enough), or the fact that accessibility is an important skill that most developers do not possess or want to engage with and the fact I "hit back" at that?