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Christian Himpe
Christian Himpe

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How does ArcadeDB make data FAIR?

The FAIR principles for research data (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) are a set of guidelines to facilitate sustainable availability of (research) data.

Inspired by Fluree's "Making Data FAIR", I decided to look at ArcadeDB in terms of FAIRness.

So, to check whether a tool X helps making (research or enterprise) data (more) FAIR, I ask for each principle Y: How does X make data Y?

How does ArcadeDB make data findable:

  • A unique identifier is assigned to each record and never reassigned.
  • Custom metadata for types and properties beyond SQL COMMENT ON.
  • The identifier is a mandatory property of every record.

How does ArcadeDB make data accessible?

  • Query Languages: SQL dialect, Cypher, Gremlin, GraphQL, MQL (MongoDB), SPARQL (via Gremlin plugin)
  • Interfaces: HTTP, Java, JDBC, MongoDB, Redis, Postgres
  • Drivers: CHICKEN Scheme, .NET, Ruby, Rust

How does ArcadeDB make data interoperable?

  • The native data format is JSON.
  • Data types map to standard Java data types.
  • Links between records are based on unique identifiers.

How does ArcadeDB make data reusable?

  • Property fields (i.e. for licenses) can be made mandatory.
  • Provenance can be enforced by immutable records.
  • Export formats: JSONL, GRAPHSON, GRAPHML

So overall, ArcadeDB makes data fair by its feature set. While this feature configuration is likely not unique, a polyglot multi-model NoSQL/NewSQL database is rare.

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