DEV Community

Reishi Mitani
Reishi Mitani

Posted on


Installing lorawan-stack in local machine



  1. Make sure you have go version 14 or above. I had some issues with go version 13 when initializing the database.

  2. Make sure you have the GOPATH and other paths configured.

My environment:
MacOS Catalina
go version 15


Clone the development repository into your local machine, and initialize the repository.

$ git clone $GOPATH/src/

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make init
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Run the following command to set up the frontend. This may take about 10~20 mins.

$ tools/bin/mage js:build
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Run the following command to get the database started.

$ tools/bin/mage dev:dbStart
Creating network "lorawan-stack-dev_default" with the default driver
Creating lorawan-stack-dev_cockroach_1 ... done
Creating lorawan-stack-dev_redis_1     ... done
            Name                           Command               State                                Ports
lorawan-stack-dev_cockroach_1   /cockroach/ st ...   Up>26256/tcp,>26257/tcp, 8080/tcp
lorawan-stack-dev_redis_1 redis ...   Up>6379/tcp
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Initialize the stack. This will take a few minutes as well.

$ tools/bin/mage dev:initStack
go: downloading v0.0.0-20190910152052-7cb4b85ec19c
go: downloading v2.0.2
go: downloading v1.3.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9


  INFO Connecting to Identity Server database...
  INFO Detected database CockroachDB CCL v20.1.5 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, built 2020/08/24 19:52:08, go1.13.9)
  INFO Initializing database...
  INFO Creating tables...
  INFO Successfully initialized
  INFO Connecting to Identity Server database...
  INFO Creating user...
  INFO Created user
  INFO Connecting to Identity Server database...
  INFO Creating OAuth client...
  INFO Created OAuth client                     secret=
  INFO Setting owner rights...
  INFO Set owner rights
  INFO Connecting to Identity Server database...
  INFO Creating OAuth client...
  INFO Created OAuth client                     secret=console
  INFO Setting owner rights...
  INFO Set owner rights
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Finally, run the code.

go run ./cmd/ttn-lw-stack -c ./config/stack/ttn-lw-stack.yml start
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Open localhost:1885 in your browser. Both the username and the password will be admin.

Alt Text

Once you login, you should see this page.

Alt Text

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