DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
gsto profile image
Glenn Stovall

It sounds like your concerned about your writing style, so I'd like to address that point. If you aren't sure what to write about or how to structure your thoughts, I wrote a blog post about it recently.

Grab a copy of The Elements of Style. Keep it on your desk. It's the definitive guide to clear writing style.

There are also tools that can help you clean up your prose. Check out Hemingway for Mac and the Grammarly browser plugin. They can help spot check your work.

Other advice I'd give is to write first drafts without worrying about how good they are, then editing and re-writing them. That will help keep you moving.

Beyond that writing is like any other skill: practice, practice, practice.

etafavoti profile image
Erica Tafavoti

I came here to recommend Grammarly and Hemingway as well! These two apps/extensions have made a huge difference in my writing.