The objective of this project is to demonstrate that it is relatively simple
to build web applications using HTML, CSS and a small amount of server side
code written in a language of your choice.
It's the Todo Minimum Viable Product - the simplest and most
extensible application you can write - but perhaps it's also the Most
Valuable Player in your web development toolkit. I like to think so!
Working Todo-MVP application
Nice CSS
Good a11y
Simple acceptance test
Best in class a11y
Implement in multiple languages
Multiple CSS files
Automated deployment
Automate the acceptance test
The Todo Application
The project consists (or will consist) of the following:
Many Todo applications, written in multiple languages, all
each serving the same HTML and implementing the same API.
An acceptance test to confirm that the application does the above
I'm in two minds about this. On one hand it is pretty much a standard and standards are nice. On the other hand, I'm still rather conflicted about what is the "best" way of making a frontend, so I'd rather not push a particular (mental) framework on this subject.
It does not help that my own frontend is rather simplistic.
Luckily there is a lot of interesting stuff to cover before getting to the frontend, so I can postpone the decision.
Not that I wish to influence the good doctor too much... but were he to present a tutorial in Haskell that could be added to
The non-SPA version of the todo list app
The objective of this project is to demonstrate that it is relatively simple to build web applications using HTML, CSS and a small amount of server side code written in a language of your choice.
It's the Todo Minimum Viable Product - the simplest and most extensible application you can write - but perhaps it's also the Most Valuable Player in your web development toolkit. I like to think so!
The Todo Application
The project consists (or will consist) of the following:
Whereas I respect the skill and effort…
I'm sure that'd be great... 😄
I'm in two minds about this. On one hand it is pretty much a standard and standards are nice. On the other hand, I'm still rather conflicted about what is the "best" way of making a frontend, so I'd rather not push a particular (mental) framework on this subject.
It does not help that my own frontend is rather simplistic.
Luckily there is a lot of interesting stuff to cover before getting to the frontend, so I can postpone the decision.
I'm a big fan of offensively simple HTML, as it's accessible and comprehendible to most developers - and so that's what the spec of Todo-MVP requires.