I managed it for inidividual use only but i think someone need it. When i use linux crontab i felt very uncomfortable unlike iptables, so i meade it as a php code instead of shell script. sorry I've no skills about shell script.
Whatever I tried to make this as simplest. So There's no handling about some danger commands(e.g : rm -rf [somethings], halt, reboot, shutdown, and so on... ). So I want you to be careful when you use this class. I've no responsibility about problems occurred by using this class. And understandably you need to know about cron commands.
Cronjobs are made by this class, managed by CRONTAG. CRONTAG is a comment that pasted cronjob's tail. It creates and removes about cronjobs by using regex,.
code and manual are below repo. i don't know how to write code snipet in here. Please use it well.
I tried to make this as simplest. So There's no handling about some danger commands(e.g : rm -rf [somethings], halt, reboot, shutdown, and so on... )
So I want you to be careful when you use this class. I've no responsibility about problems occurred by using this class.
Be made to approach linux's cron system. Cronjobs are made by this class, managed by CRONTAG. CRONTAG is a comment that pasted cronjob's tail.
Test Environment
OS : CentOS 6.8 (Final)
php : PHP 7.0.16
And understandably crond installed.
Update Note
- v1.01(2018-12-20)
- function add_cronjob's command changed more safety.
- v1.00(2018-11-10)
- uploaded
e.g (assume u to load this file completely)
$cron_manager = new CronManager()
$cron_add_result = $cron_manager->add_cronjob('* * * * * date >> /var/testdir/datelog.txt 2>&1', 'datelog');
//if this codes worked normally, u will get array return with
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