Photo by marc belver colomer on Unsplash
Amazon Cognito is a powerful user authentication and authorization service provided by AWS. It helps you manage user sign-up, sign-in, and access control for your web and mobile applications. One common requirement when working with Cognito is the need to clone a User Pool, especially when setting up different environments (development, staging, production) or creating backups.
In this article, we’ll explore how to clone an AWS Cognito User Pool programmatically using Python and the boto3 library. We’ll create a script that copies all essential components, including app clients, groups, and schema attributes.
- Python 3.x installed
- AWS account with appropriate permissions
- boto3 library installed (pip install boto3)
- AWS credentials configured
Understanding the Code Structure
Let’s break down our solution into manageable parts:
1. Setting Up AWS Client
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def get_client(aws_profile=None, region_name='eu-central-1'):
if aws_profile:
return boto3.client('cognito-idp', region_name=region_name)
This section initializes the AWS client using boto3. It allows you to specify an AWS profile and region, making it flexible for different environments.
2. Main Cloning Function
def copy_user_pool(source_user_pool_id, new_user_pool_name, aws_profile=None):
client = get_client(aws_profile)
response = client.describe_user_pool(UserPoolId=source_user_pool_id)
user_pool_details = response['UserPool']
print(f"Source User Pool details for ID {source_user_pool_id} retrieved successfully.")
new_user_pool_response = client.create_user_pool(
LambdaConfig=user_pool_details.get('LambdaConfig', {}),
AutoVerifiedAttributes=user_pool_details.get('AutoVerifiedAttributes', []),
# ... other configuration parameters
new_user_pool_id = new_user_pool_response['UserPool']['Id']
return new_user_pool_id
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
This function handles the main cloning process. It:
- Retrieves the source User Pool details
- Creates a new User Pool with the same configuration
- Returns the new User Pool ID if successful
3. Copying App Clients
def copy_app_clients(client, source_user_pool_id, new_user_pool_id, user_pool_details):
app_clients_response = client.list_user_pool_clients(UserPoolId=source_user_pool_id)
app_clients = app_clients_response['UserPoolClients']
for app_client in app_clients:
# ... other client configurations
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while copying app clients: {e}")
This function copies all app clients from the source User Pool to the new one, maintaining their configurations.
4. Copying User Pool Groups
def copy_user_pool_groups(client, source_user_pool_id, new_user_pool_id):
groups_response = client.list_groups(UserPoolId=source_user_pool_id)
groups = groups_response['Groups']
for group in groups:
Description=group.get('Description', ''),
Precedence=group.get('Precedence', 0)
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while copying groups: {e}")
This function replicates all user groups from the source User Pool to the new one.
Usage Example
if __name__ == " __main__":
source_user_pool_id = 'eu-central-1_XXXXXXXX' # Replace with your source pool ID
new_user_pool_name = 'my-new-user-pool'
aws_profile = 'YOUR_AWS_PROFILE'
new_pool_id = copy_user_pool(source_user_pool_id, new_user_pool_name, aws_profile)
if new_pool_id:
print(f"User Pool copied successfully. New Pool ID: {new_pool_id}")
print("User Pool copying failed.")
Important Notes
- The script maintains the same schema attributes, policies, and configurations as the source User Pool
- App clients are created with new client IDs and secrets
- User data is not copied — only the User Pool structure and configuration
- Make sure you have appropriate AWS permissions before running the script
This Python script provides a convenient way to clone AWS Cognito User Pools, which can be particularly useful when setting up new environments or creating backups. The modular structure makes it easy to modify and extend based on your specific needs.
Remember to handle sensitive information carefully and never commit AWS credentials to version control systems.
See you in the next article! 👻
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