This week in class we delved into different web component frameworks. The four that we focused in on were: Angular, VueJS, StencilJS, React, and Angular. We had the opportunity to test all four out by taking the framework of the "hello-world" boilerplate and compare how each framework is structured.
When going through the boilerplate codes, there were many differences and commonalities that I had noticed. In some way, I'd say all the frameworks had something in common.
- To start off with the most obvious similarity: All four use JavaScript to define or create their components and work. Other common languages also commonly found would be HTML and CSS.
- Every framework have a ton of dependancies and a long installation process. Things I learned the hard way: if the installation isn't long, than it probably had failed. Do not keep trying to rerun/debug, find another boilerplate.
- These all also contain a
in the directory for the code. The only one that does not, I think would be VueJS.
Duplications & Overlapping
Duplicate and overlapping is quite common when it comes to frameworks. They are open source code that can be cloned/forked and used in other work. As we some people like to say it is like "borrowing" other peoples work. As well as sometimes people work can overlap with each other.
Easiest Developer Experience
In my personal opinion, I feel as though VueJS would be the best to get started with. I feel like it looks and feels more simple than the others. I say this because I feel like you can know the less code than you need for the others. You can make small components and not know too much about coding in HTML or CSS, etc.
Therefore if I were to create an App I would most likely prefer to use VueJS because of the fact I have never created one on my own. If I got stuck on how to fix/debug in VueJS, there are a lot more resources out there to help me fix my problem.
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