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Hakeem Abbas
Hakeem Abbas

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Building a Custom Tokenizer for LLMs to Handle Unique Vocabulary

Language models have come a long way since their inception, driven by advancements in architecture, scale, and training methodologies. However, one fundamental but often overlooked component of large language models (LLMs) is the tokenizer. This mechanism breaks down raw text into a series of manageable units, or "tokens," for processing by the model.
While tokenization is usually a solved problem, handling unique vocabularies (domain-specific terms, rare words, or jargon) requires a custom approach. In highly specialized fields such as legal, medical, or technical domains, the default tokenizers with LLMs may fall short, as they often fragment complex or rare words into multiple subwords, reducing efficiency and accuracy. A custom tokenizer customized for such specialized domains can greatly enhance performance and interpretability. This article explores the need for and methods of building a custom tokenizer for LLMs to handle unique vocabularies.

Why Tokenization Matters for LLMs

Tokenization is splitting text into smaller units that a model can understand. For most LLMs, these tokens correspond to words, subwords, or even single characters, depending on the tokenizer used. The two primary types of tokenizers used in modern LLMs are word-piece tokenizers and byte-pair encoding (BPE) tokenizers.

  1. Word-piece tokenizers break text into subword units. This allows them to handle out-of-vocabulary words by breaking them into known subwords.
  2. BPE tokenizers start with a set of individual characters and iteratively merge them to form more complex subwords.

While these tokenization methods work well for general-purpose language models, they may not perform optimally for specialized vocabularies. In domains with technical jargon or rare words, tokenizers may fragment terms, resulting in inefficient and imprecise token representations.
For example, a term like “auto differentiation” in a machine learning context might be broken down into multiple subwords such as "auto," "differ," and "initiation," losing semantic coherence and adding unnecessary computational load.

Challenges of Default Tokenizers in Specialized Domains

Default tokenizers face several challenges when dealing with unique or specialized vocabulary:

  • Fragmentation of terms: Domain-specific words may be split into several tokens, increasing sequence length and reducing model efficiency.
  • Misrepresentation of meaning: Breaking down specialized terms can distort their meaning, affecting the model’s understanding and, ultimately, the performance.
  • Longer training and inference times: Fragmented tokenization leads to longer input sequences, increasing memory usage, slower training, and higher inference costs.
  • Higher model perplexity: Poorly tokenized sequences increase the model’s uncertainty (or perplexity) during generation tasks, leading to lower-quality outputs.

Why Build a Custom Tokenizer?

Building a custom tokenizer allows you to:

  • Preserve specialized terms: By treating domain-specific words as atomic units, you maintain the semantic integrity of the vocabulary.
  • Improve model efficiency: Reducing token fragmentation decreases sequence lengths, improving training and inference speeds.
  • Enhance performance: Custom tokenizers reduce the likelihood of misinterpreting unique vocabulary, resulting in better model accuracy for specialized tasks.
  • Optimize resource usage: Shorter token sequences lower memory overhead and computational costs. For tech-savvy domains, where unique jargon evolves rapidly, having a custom tokenizer also provides flexibility for continuous updates, adapting to new terms and acronyms without re-training the model from scratch.

Steps to Build a Custom Tokenizer

1. Define the Unique Vocabulary

The first step is identifying your domain's specialized words, jargon, or acronyms. This can be done by compiling domain-specific corpora and analyzing the frequency and structure of rare or complex terms.
Tools like natural language processing (NLP) pipelines, frequency analyzers, and term extraction algorithms can help identify key terms that should be treated as atomic tokens. Working with domain experts to handcraft this list can lead to a more targeted vocabulary.

2. Train or Fine-Tune the Tokenizer

Once the unique vocabulary is defined, it is incorporated into the tokenizer. You can train a tokenizer from scratch using algorithms like Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) or WordPiece or fine-tune an existing tokenizer to recognize new terms.
To fine-tune a tokenizer:
Use your domain-specific corpus to update the tokenization rules.
Ensure that unique terms remain as single tokens instead of being broken into subwords.
Add new tokens corresponding to out-of-vocabulary words that are common in your dataset.
For instance, using tools like Hugging Face’s Tokenizers library, you can create a new vocabulary that prioritizes merging domain-specific words into single tokens.

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3. Evaluate Tokenization Results

After training or fine-tuning your tokenizer, evaluate its performance. The goal is to ensure that:

  • Domain-specific terms are represented as single tokens.
  • Common words are tokenized efficiently.
  • The tokenized sequences are shorter compared to a baseline tokenizer.
    You can use both qualitative and quantitative metrics, such as:

  • Perplexity: A lower perplexity indicates better model certainty during text generation.

  • Tokenization speed: Compare the time it takes to tokenize a given corpus before and after customization.

  • Token count: Analyze the average token length of sequences after tokenization. Fewer tokens generally indicate improved efficiency.

4. Integrate with the LLM

Once the custom tokenizer is built and validated, integrate it into your LLM pipeline. Most LLM frameworks, such as Hugging Face Transformers or OpenAI’s GPT, allow for easy integration of custom tokenizers.
Retrain or fine-tune the LLM with the new tokenizer so that the model adapts to the updated token representation. This ensures that the model optimally utilizes the tokens during training and inference.

5. Iteratively Update and Optimize

The process of tokenization is dynamic, especially in rapidly evolving fields. As new terms and acronyms emerge, your tokenizer should be periodically updated to accommodate these additions. Fine-tuning can be done without re-training the entire tokenizer, maintaining flexibility and adaptability in specialized domains.

Case Study: Tokenizer Customization for a Medical LLM

Consider a medical LLM tasked with generating text based on radiology reports. A default tokenizer would likely split the term “radiolucency” into subwords like "radio" and "lucency," leading to inefficient tokenization. The term can be treated as a single token by custom training a tokenizer on a large corpus of radiology texts. This improves tokenization efficiency and model performance for tasks such as report summarization, diagnosis predictions, or even chatbot-based patient interactions.


  • Reduced token count by 15%, improving inference speed by 20%.
  • Lowered perplexity on test data, improving the accuracy of model-generated diagnoses.
  • Enhanced domain-specific comprehension, leading to more accurate summaries of radiology reports.


Custom tokenizers are a powerful yet underutilized tool in LLMs, particularly for applications requiring a deep understanding of specialized vocabulary. By preserving domain-specific terms as single tokens and optimizing tokenization for efficiency, you can significantly enhance your LLMs' performance and accuracy. Building a custom tokenizer is beneficial and often essential for delivering high-quality results for technical and expert-level domains, where precision is crucial.
Investing in custom tokenization is a straightforward way to make your models smarter, faster, and more attuned to the nuances of the vocabulary they are designed to understand.

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