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Hanane Kacemi
Hanane Kacemi

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TIL: using --no-deps with docker compose

Currently, I am working on a Laravel project with two containers: one for the web app and the other for the database.

Previously, whenever I needed to update the image used by the container hosting the web app, I had to stop both containers using docker compose stop app db, remove them with docker compose rm -v app db, execute docker compose down, and finally rebuild to apply changes to the desired container using docker compose up --build -d

As you might guess, this process required me to export the database, even if I only wanted to apply changes to the app container.

Recently, while watching some tutorials related to Docker and Docker Compose, I learned about the --no-deps option. This option allows us to apply changes to one container without affecting the other dependent containers.

Now, whenever I want to recreate the app container using a new image, I simply run:

docker compose stop app
docker rm app
docker compose up -d --no-deps app

There's no need to export the database, remove the database container, or import it again. This process is much easier for me now.

Thanks for reading!

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