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Improving Automation Stability: Detecting Selector Changes in Real-Time

In the realm of automation testing, stability is key to ensuring efficient and reliable test execution. However, one of the common challenges faced by automation developers is dealing with selector changes in their projects. Selector changes occur when the developers responsible for the application under test modify element selectors without notifying the automation team, resulting in test failures and increased maintenance efforts.
To address this issue and enhance stability, I have developed a powerful tool that detects selector changes in real-time and notifies relevant stakeholders. In this article, we will explore the impact of selector changes, introduce the tool’s functionality, and highlight its benefits for automation projects.

The Problem with Selector Changes

Selector changes pose a significant threat to automation stability. When developers modify element selectors without informing the automation team, it can lead to test failures, rendering automated tests ineffective. These failures not only disrupt the test execution process but also require additional effort to identify and update affected selectors. As a result, maintenance efforts skyrocket, impacting the overall efficiency of automation projects. It is crucial to adopt a proactive approach to tackle selector changes and minimize their adverse effects.

Lack of communication

The Solution: selectors-watcher

To mitigate the challenges posed by selector changes, I developed a comprehensive tool called selectors-watcher. This tool serves as an automated solution for detecting selector changes in real-time, empowering automation teams to stay ahead of potential issues.
With its intuitive interface and powerful functionality, selectors-watcher provides a seamless experience for monitoring and managing selector changes throughout the project lifecycle.

The Implementation

The architecture of Selectors-watcher is designed for continuous monitoring and analysis of element selectors.
The tool operates as a git hook, leveraging the version control system to monitor code changes. It scans the codebase to identify modifications in specific attributes defined by the user in the configuration file. Whenever a selector change is detected, selectors-watcher sends real-time notifications to relevant stakeholders via Slack channels.

Slack warning message

Automation developers, test managers, and other team members receive instant alerts, ensuring everyone stays informed about the latest changes. Additionally, the tool automatically adds the relevant individuals as reviewers to the associated pull requests, streamlining the review process and enabling prompt resolution.
By integrating selectors-watcher as a git hook within the development project, it performs real-time analysis during code changes. This ensures that any selector changes are immediately captured, notifying the relevant stakeholders and facilitating their involvement in the pull request review process.

"scripts": {
  "watch": "node selectors-watcher --config=PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE" 
"husky": { 
      "pre-push": "npm run watch"

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Benefits and Impact

Implementing selectors-watcher in automation projects delivers significant advantages. Firstly, it enhances stability by promptly detecting selector changes, enabling proactive resolution by the automation team. This leads to a substantial decrease in test failures and ensures consistent and reliable test results. Additionally, the tool streamlines the process of updating affected selectors, resulting in notable savings of time and resources. By providing real-time notifications and fostering collaboration, selectors-watcher facilitates efficient communication within the team, promoting swift issue resolution and cultivating a culture of shared responsibility.


The implementation of selectors-watcher brings remarkable benefits to automation projects. It improves stability by swiftly identifying selector changes, leading to fewer test failures and ensuring reliable test outcomes. Furthermore, the tool simplifies the updating of affected selectors, saving valuable time and resources. Real-time notifications and collaborative features promote effective communication, enabling quick issue resolution and fostering a sense of shared responsibility among team members.

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