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Hannes Lehmann
Hannes Lehmann

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From Hugo Template to Full-Fledged CMS: My Directory Journey

The Genesis: Claude and Existing Directories

My journey began with a simple idea: create a Hugo template for a directory. When I couldn't find one that fit my needs, I turned to, together with gpt4 - the assissant, for help. Together, we used existing AI tool directories as blueprints to craft the initial version of my project. It was fascinating to see how AI could help jumpstart the development process, taking inspiration from what's already out there and adapting it to my specific needs.

From Template to Full-Fledged CMS

What started as a straightforward template quickly evolved. I found myself building a complete content management system, incorporating PostgreSQL for data management and n8n for workflow automation. It's amazing how a project can grow and take on a life of its own when you're passionate about it.

Learning Responsive Design

One aspect I really wanted to nail was making the site responsive. I put considerable effort into learning how to create a page that looks great on any device. It was challenging at times, but the satisfaction of seeing the site adapt smoothly to different screen sizes made it all worthwhile. I learned a lot about media queries, flexible grids, and mobile-first design principles along the way - it's still on it's way.

The Multilanguage Challenge

Adding multiple language support to the Hugo template was another exciting challenge. I dove into Hugo's i18n features, figuring out how to structure content for easy translation and switching between languages. It's opened up the possibility of reaching a global audience, which is thrilling.

Automation: The Heart of the Project

As I detail in another blog post, automation has become a central part of this project. I've set up a complex workflow using n8n, Baserow, ChatGPT, Claude, and other tools to automate content creation, from news curation to multilingual post generation and deployment. It's incredible to see how these tools work together to streamline the entire process.

Ongoing Improvements and Ideas

I'm constantly thinking about how to make this directory stand out. I'm not satisfied with the typical way directories are displayed and I'm brainstorming more original presentation methods. One idea I'm toying with is adding a booking engine to create dynamic, interactive directories. Imagine being able to schedule demos or consultations directly from a tool listing!

The Tech Stack and Learning Curve

Here's what I'm working with:

  • Hugo: The foundation of the project. Its flexibility continues to impress me.
  • PostgreSQL: Handling our data like a pro.
  • n8n: A game-changer for automating workflows.
  • Claude and ChatGPT: My AI collaborators, helping with everything from initial design to content generation.
  • CodeRabbit: Keeping our code clean and efficient.

Every day brings new learning opportunities. I'm currently tackling:

  1. Implementing secure login/logout functionality with Hugo
  2. Deciphering the mysteries of SEO
  3. Automating the creation of landing pages

SEO still feels like a puzzle, but I'm slowly piecing it together. There's so much to learn, and it's exciting to see how each new bit of knowledge improves the project.

The AI Angle

Using AI tools like Claude and ChatGPT has transformed my approach to development. They're not just coding assistants; they're collaborators that help me think through problems in new ways. It's a bit meta to use AI to build a directory of AI tools, but it feels like I'm at the forefront of a new way of working.

Looking Ahead

This project has grown far beyond my initial vision, and that's what makes it exciting. Each new feature or idea opens up more possibilities. I'm particularly keen on finding that perfect, unique way to display directory information that will set this project apart. Originally I didn't want to dedicate that much time to it, let's see.

I'm always open to ideas and feedback. If you have experience with similar projects or thoughts on innovative directory displays, I'd love to hear from you. Or if you've had a small project grow into something much bigger, share your story!

Just in case you want to see it: it's here

This journey from a simple template to a complex, automated content management system has been filled with challenges (people complaining about copy-cating, although my directory had 0 traffic and was mostly under radar) and rewards. What started as a personal project is turning into a testament to the power of AI collaboration and modern web development techniques. I can't wait to see where it goes next!

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