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Hardik Mirg
Hardik Mirg

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Operators in JavaScript

Operators in JavaScript

  • Basic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators

Basic Operators

  1. + Addition
  2. - Subtraction
  3. * Multiplication
  4. / Division
  5. % Modulus
  6. ++ Increment
  7. -- Decrement
  8. () Group

Comparision Operators

  1. == Equal Value
  2. === Equal Value And Same Type
  3. != Not Equal Value
  4. !== Not Equal Value And Different Type
  5. > Greater Than
  6. < Less Than
  7. >= Greater than and Equal to
  8. <= Lesser than and Equal to.

Logical Operators

  1. && Logical And
  2. || Logical OR
  3. ! Logical Not

BitWise Operators

  1. & AND statement
  2. | OR statement
  3. ~ NOT
  4. ^ XOR
  5. << Zero fill left shift
  6. >> Signed right shift
  7. >>> Zero Fill right shift

Hope you learned something useful today! Peace Out ✌️

Oldest comments (1)

hardikmirg profile image
Hardik Mirg

Thanks for the info!