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Discussion on: What do you wish to know about JavaScript when you were in university?

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Michael Harrison


Although I didn't know anything about JavaScript at university - I studied philosophy - I'm now a tutor at a coding bootcamp teaching JavaScript from scratch. Our first module is called JavaScript Basics!

In lectures we cover primitive types (strings, numbers and booleans) advancing to more complex data structures (arrays and objects) and functions, defining what they are, what they're useful for, and a look at some built-in methods with some examples, and the MDN documentation. We cover control flow (loops and if statements) and I like to focus on the array iteration methods (map, filter, reduce etc) particularly as an alternative to loops.

We give a set of exercises where the students clone a repo with a load of jest test cases grouped by data type (strings, numbers etc) and they have to run the tests to write the functions that pass the tests. For example, they have to write a function that makes the first character of a string upper-case. I think this is a nice intro to TDD too, and it's nice to get the validation of the green ticks when they get it right!

Hope that gives you some ideas!

itsmenatalie profile image

Oh that gives me a lot of awesome ideas! Thank you for such great insight! :D