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Harshal Jani
Harshal Jani

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Mobile App Development: Native v/s Web v/s Hybrid. Pick the Best!

We are living in an app ecosystem!

With around 7 million apps across the platforms, globally. The users are not yet overwhelmed with apps. And, the business on the other hand are on constant sprints to choose between Native apps or Web apps will be fruitful investments? Or Hybrid apps? Which will give them a competitive upper hand. Picking the best is a struggle. And, we know even you are running on thin ice in investing in an app that would serve perpetually. Because, the digital presence is no more an option but the only way out, easy to say as difficult as a stretched Pilates.

However, to let you drift off that puzzlement and confusion of which app to invest in and at what stage of business. We are here with this article to help you decide which app to invest in and further get you on to lucrative investments considering your business stage. Dig in for the guide post of insights before you pour in investments.

Apps are Crucial for Modern-day Business Ecosystem
We are no longer in the brick and mortar store era. Instead, technology has taken the highest leap of the times. We are catapulted in a space where users are overwhelmed with choices and businesses across genres are confused at keeping up with that. (to quite an extent). No, this does not mean that the trajectory change has not been a sugary path for the businesses. It certainly has evolved their presence and opened floodgates of perks.

But, it is still not ‘Funflation.’ Because these apps that you as a business spearhead invest in, actually unlocks a suite of ROIs. However, coming back to why it is crucial and not having an app for your business can get you down a pothole with no ray of enterprise success.

  • Digital Era. 91.40% of the world’s population is hooked on smartphones.

  • On an average an individual spends around 5 hours daily on apps.

  • Just in 2023, there were 77 billion mobile app downloads.

Now, this stats clearly indicates how apps are the lifeline for businesses to thrive in this day and age. Also, on the hindsight the users are cemented on apps as the smart channel of shopping, communication and basically everything under the sun.

So, if you are a business owner or an investor wanting your business or startup to pierce through the modern cutting throat competition. Then apps are your go-to-route. But, the real deal is in figuring out what kind of an app to invest in? And, for that we will hand you out the insights on the same in the section below.

What are Native Apps?

Let’s get honest; how many times did you open Instagram today for that dose of reels? Or when did you last go on WhatsApp? Well, the reason for asking this question is to draw your
attention to the Native Apps that you and almost the population globally is hooked on. Ans, that too on a daily basis.

Yes, those are Native Apps. The apps that are developed and coded individually for different platforms to pan out services that are faster, reliable and with better ux. These apps at the core allows the users to integrate and access their camera, contacts, microphones and API in general.

Coming to the Technicalities: These applications need to be coded differently for specific platform preferences. For example if you want to develop a native app for iOS you will need to get it coded in Swift and for Android in Obj-C and Java.

Downside of Native Apps- This is where the investment gets a little heavier. Native apps whilst at their top-speed and potential pack of perks have a drawback. So, in case you intend to go with an iOS native app. You then cannot have Android users use that similar app, for that genre of users you will need to get another native app developed all the way from coding in different languages for Android and investing again for the same.

Should you invest in Native Apps?

Native Apps can be a lucrative investment for your business, if you have a target audience belonging to a particular platform. Secondly, native apps can be a good investment if your business services are tilted towards a specific platform i.e. iOS or Android. Because when it comes to platform-directed features, user interface, necessities like app store or play store native apps lets you have that upperhand.

Quick-Tip: If you are a mid-sized or even large scale business operating in a compact genre, then Native apps are a good plot for investment. But, what if you are just starting out and have smaller margins to invest? Then for that dive in the section below.

To know better amongst these to; Native v/s web. Let us first decode what Web apps are in actuality.

Web Apps - Well, the odds are that you would misconstrue this with a website. It is not a fiat website nor an exact mobile application. It is a fusion of both. Web applications are apps with a web version as opposed to mobile apps. Like a mobile app on the browser.

What do we mean by this? Web applications are software-based business applications that your users can switch on via browsers. Considering this being a web model, it is quite open to the users on browsers like Safari or chrome.

Coming to the technicalities; You can get the web application coded simply in HTML5 or Java Script or even CSS. Unlike the native apps you do not need to undergo the dual-developments separately for each platform. This comes to no dual development costs. You save bucks and time to pitch in the market.

Downside of Web Apps - It is not as simple as it seems. Here the catch, yes web apps are comparatively simpler and easier to use as well as get developed. But, when it comes to the modern user-requirements or digital business. Web apps seem to fall shorter. What we are trying to bring you at is- web apps are comparatively slower, hosts minimal intuitive user interface features, offline access or even the market visibility at the core.

Should you invest in Web Apps?

Onto this, we’d still say yes you should. And, we claim this for a reason. Web Apps are great to start with as a business that is at its early stage. Because though web apps are little brittle on providing wider visibility, it for sure gives your business that extra dollop of fluid accessibility. And, as a startup all you need initially is to get your services up and running. So what better than an app that your users can hop on to simply by accessing the web and via phone, PC or even smartwatch. A bitter-sweet perk but still gets you quite a lot against the investment you need to pour in.

Snappy-Tip: Get a hold on quicker user-access while investing in a comparatively smaller portion.

What are Hybrid Apps? Is it the best choice amongst Native vs Web vs Hybrid?

To put simply; Native App + Web Apps= Hybrid App.
Where you get to the best of both the worlds, (we mean apps) on a single facet.

By this we mean; Hybrid apps that update the standard version that businesses invest in for multiple and varied user access. Just like Progressive Web Apps but not exactly like PWA.

Coming to Technicalities; Hybrid apps are developed on JavaScript, CSS and HTML5. Just like PWAs, hybrid apps can be accessed via browsers as well as app stores. But, PWAs cannot be accessed via the app store. Furthermore, the hybrid apps are open to API integrations.

Downside of the Hybrid Apps; Though runs on single coding for either platform hybrid apps are quite low on performance. Plus, when it comes to UX and plug in hybrid apps tends to go skimmer.

Whether you should invest in Hybrid Apps?

This can be a little dynamic. These apps can though not be heavy on the pocket when it comes to app development cost. They do function at par. However, you are full-fledged settled business and up in the game. In that case, investing in these apps can be a fairly sane call. Because multifarious accessibility and convenience accorded with regards to user preferences i.e. cross platform functionality.

Speedy-Insight: Go for hybrid App development only if you want your business to take a leap or want to go that extra mile. Other than that native app would serve the purpose.
Hybrid Apps v/s Native Apps v/s Web Apps
Each of these categories holds and hosts a specific set of features. But, still let us pin out the features specifically for a quick round up.

Hybrid Apps: Casual Maintenance, Fairly Costly, Easy to access, Fair on UX and Performance. Ex- Instagram, Gmail etc.

Native Apps: High on Maintenance, Heavily Costly, Fair on accessibility but has Superior UX and Performance. Ex- Facebook, Whatsapp etc.

Web Apps: These are low on Maintenance, Not that costly but massive on accessibility has fair UX and Performance support. Ex- Gmail, Twitter etc.

Having said that, the ultimate features, costs and entire structure depends on the suite of features and complexity of the UX. Lastly, let us quickly wrap up this road map to lucrative investment now that you would have most probably decided which app amongst this would be worth the investment.

Things to Consider before investing in Either of the Apps
You are the spearhead for your business, enterprise or startup. And, rightly so there would be none who would be well-versed with all the ins and outs of your business like you. So, before you take the final call on going with either Native, web or Hybrid apps do consider the following;

Your genre of target audience.
The type and trail of your business segment.
How big of a market accessibility are you aiming to pitch?
Would your course of business be different down the line?
What scale is your business on?

How much of an investment do you aim to put in initially?

These factors will help you further clear out the fog with regards to investing which app development will be lucrative for you.

To Wrap up

Stepping up with constant innovation is what helps businesses thrive. And, in this modern digital age apps are the lifeline for businesses across genres. While the users have moved past the traditional lengths, apps are unarguably the most essential for the business to keep up with the modern user base. But, to get up the notch there you need to connect with a reputable App Development Company like Yudiz.

Because leaving it to the experts will be a proper route where they can guide you thoroughly whether Native Web or Hybrid apps is the best for your business. Because while the apps are out like confetti you would not want to lose your grip on the command line right?

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