I've an oss project built with Laravel and VueJS that is growing. I decided to break up the project into smaller parts and delegate different parts to interested oss enthusiasts. If anybody is interested please join our discord server here and reach out.
Self-hosted app for Time Tracking, Invoice Generation, Project & Client Management, built with Laravel & Filament.
Self-hosted app for Time Tracking, Invoice Generation, Project & Client Management, built with Laravel & Filament.
Hire me
I'm available for contractual work on this stack (Filament, Laravel, Livewire, AlpineJS, TailwindCSS). Reach me via email or discord
About Invobook
Invobook is a self-hosted app to manage team/clients, project & tasks, time tracking, create and sending invoice and more. It is build upon Filament and TALL stack.
Installation | Screenshots | Contributing | Supporting | Credits | License
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:Hasnayeen/invobook.git
Set env variables
cp .env.example .env
Install composer packages
composer install
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To contribute join discord server link
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Be a sponsor
Invobook is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible thanks to the support by our amazing backers.
Support the development of "Invobook" by being a sponsor, reach at searching.nehal@gmail.com
Professional Support
If you need professional…
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