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Hassan Ali
Hassan Ali

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Uncovering Inventory Insights:Mintclassics (Coursera)

Step 1: Importing the SQL File in SQL Workbench

In this initial step, we will set up our SQL environment by importing the SQL file containing Mint Classics' data into SQL Workbench. This is a crucial preparatory step to begin our data analysis project.
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Step 2: Checking Total Products in Stock

The first crucial task in our data analysis project is to understand the current inventory situation at Mint Classics. This step is fundamental in determining the feasibility of closing one of their storage facilities. We need to answer the question: How many products are currently in stock?

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Step 3: Analyzing Sales by Product

To gain a comprehensive understanding of product sales across all warehouses, we will execute a query in SQL Workbench. This query will provide us with insights into which products are selling well and in which warehouses. Here's the SQL code and the expected result
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Step 4: Analyzing Low Stock Product Lines and Warehouse Correlation

Moving forward in our data analysis project, our next crucial task is to identify products with low or no sales. This analysis will help us pinpoint items that may be candidates for removal from the product line.
In SQL Workbench, we can execute a query to achieve this. Here's the SQL code and the expected result:
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Preliminary findings suggest that the lowest stock quantities per product line may be concentrated in the South warehouse.

Step 5: Calculate the quantity of products held in the South warehouse to assess its inventory levels
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Step 6: Analyzing South Store Sales Percentage and Total Sales Amount
Determine the quantity of products in the South warehouse to assess its inventory levels and calculate the overall sales amount by multiplying the quantity sold by the unit price.

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Step 7: Analyzing the 10 Lowest Selling Vehicles (South Warehouse)

In this step, we'll delve into an analysis of the ten vehicles with the lowest sales figures. Specifically, we'll focus on products stored in the South warehouse to gain insights into their sales performance.
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Step 8: Identifying Unsold Items

In this step, we aim to identify if there are any items in our inventory that haven't recorded any sales.
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The result of our analysis reveals that the 1985 Toyota Supra is one such item with no recorded sales.

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