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Hayden Rouille
Hayden Rouille

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What personal projects have you been working on recently?

For a while now, having focused more on work and personal life, spending time learning new languages was put on the back-burner for me. It's easy to change your priorities and push back pursuing the curiosity you may have in learning new languages or technologies.

I've recently had a change in location and it's given me the opportunity I needed to hone in and focus on learning a few technologies that I've wanted to for a while now.

This time has reminded me that exploring new technologies is an integral part of my growth as a software developer. Once again, after spending time delving deep in to a technology I don't use so frequently is when I notice my overall confidence as a developer rise.

Learning should be fun, and building small projects to address gaps in your workflow or anything you see a need for is all part of it.

My most recent project has been a small CLI built in rust to make my interactions with Todoist easier, what have you built recently?

GitHub logo haydenrou / todoist_helper

CLI to interact with Todoist


A simple CLI for adding, updating and viewing TODOs in Todoist


  • Set an env variable for your Todoist API token (go to settings and integrations)
    • export TODOIST_TOKEN=1234567890


To build, run cargo build --release. The executable will live in ./target/release/todoist_helper - you can move this to somewhere your $PATH includes to run from anywhere

  • todoist_helper add todo
  • todoist_helper show todos
  • todoist_helper complete todo 12345


  • When adding a TODO, you can give the content (-c) flag to provide content
    • todoist_helper add todo -c "My new TODO"
  • When showing TODOs, you can add filters with the filters (-f) flag, and multiple separated by commas. See Todoist's filter documentation *
    • todoist_helper show todos -f "today"
  • When showing TODOs, you can specify the columns you'd like to see as a result with the attribute(s) (-a) flag
    • todoist_helper show todos -a "id,content"

Advanced Usage


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