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Vishal Heble
Vishal Heble

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What is a SCOPE in javascript ?

Scope is the execution context area and the ability to access a variable based on how you declare them. One important difference between JavaScript and other languages mostly C-based languages is Variables are created at the spot(execution context area) where they are declared in latter case. But in JS, the variables are created in a spot depending on how you declare them.

There are 2 types of scopes :

1) Global Scope
The area outside function is considered a global scope (window). So a variable can be accessed in other scopes (functions/blocks) as well.

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2) Local Scope
It has 3 different types :

a) Function Scope
When you declare a variable inside a function, it is accessible within function only.

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Note: This is same for let and const as well.

b) Block Scope
In ES6, let and const allow to declare variables in a block scope where in the variable is accessible only within the curly braces { } or a block like for and while loops, if and switch conditions etc.

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c) Lexical Scope
The child scope have access to the variables defined in its parent scope.

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