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Hex Batch
Hex Batch

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Witchy Hex Batch Introduction


Writing my first post. New to the platform.

I am interested in growing ecosystems in browsers and social media. Making virtual plants and animals that parse and process data in a slow way. This can be complicated and slow. But Everything is so fast now days, its possible to make slow systems work well.

I am making a library that allows such construction. It can act like glue to existing services, and this library will power some of my other ideas. I am mostly near the start of my coding of it, but I have been working for a few years on the concepts.

I am not that good of a programmer, but over the years I have learned to do passable work because I like it enough to keep at it.

I have about 40 years of programming experience, having started as a young lad. I started with basic, then pascal, perl, c++, machine language... fast forward, and I am making this library in php because its web based. I am not really a fan of php, but whatever..

I imagine that I will be working on this library for a while, and it helps me to have a place to organize my thoughts. So, I imagine I will make a new entry as I think about my project, and my plans for it.

No image to go with this post, and probably no images for a while.

Eventually, I will be creating a sandbox to test and demo, and because a large part of the project can be shown as shapes and maps, those will make good screenshots.

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