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Kingsley Okonkwo
Kingsley Okonkwo

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22 5

A Guide to Building, Testing, and Deploying your First DApp with Truffle, Ethers.js, Ganache, and React.

If you’re new to Ethereum development and wonder how to put the pieces together to build a decentralized application, this guide is for you. There are some great combinations of tools for building a decentralized application; however, We’ll be using a variant that includes:

  1. Truffle: This comes with a development environment, a testing framework, and a development blockchain.
  2. Ethers.js: A library for interacting with deployed smart contracts on the frontend.
  3. Ganache: A development blockchain for deploying smart contracts and inspecting state during development,
  4. React.js: A framework for building user interfaces.
  5. Metamask: A wallet for user private keys management.

In this guide, we’ll be building a tiny DApp that allows a homeowner to auction their home, accepting bids from users in Ether (The native cryptocurrency for the Ethereum blockchain), and withdrawing the highest bid into their wallet once the auction ends. The goal is to demonstrate how these tools can come together nicely to create a decentralized application. Although the Ganache development blockchain should be enough for this guide, We will go ahead and deploy our smart contract to the Rinkeby testnet just so that we can see how easy that can be. Finally, creating a beautiful user interface isn’t the focus of this guide, so a very bare-bones user interface will be used.

To be able to follow through with this guide, You’ll need to have:

  • Node.js.
  • Truffle.
  • Ganache development blockchain.
  • Metamask chrome extension. All installed on your machine, follow the links to install these tools depending on your operating system.

Note that we won’t need real Ether tokens to follow through as we will be using test Ether tokens from our development blockchain and the Rinkeby testnet. The complete code for this guide can be found here.

Creating a truffle project and writing our smart contract

Once you’ve installed Truffle, create a new folder and call it tiny-dapp, navigate into the root of the folder and run the truffle init command, this would create a basic project template with all the necessary config files and directories like this:

contracts/: Directory for Solidity contracts.
migrations/: Directory for scriptable deployment files.
test/: Directory for test files for testing your application and contracts.
truffle-config.js: Truffle configuration file.

Update the truffle configuration file to look like this:

module.exports = {
 networks: {
   development: {
    host: "",
    port: 7545,
    network_id: "*",

 compilers: {
   solc: {
     version: "0.8.9"
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Make sure to specify the same solidity compiler version 0.8.9 to prevent running into issues due to version changes as the solidity programming language is still under development. In the contracts directory, create a new file Auction.sol and define the contract properties like so:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Auction {
 // Properties
 address private owner;
 uint256 public startTime;
 uint256 public endTime;
 mapping(address => uint256) public bids;

 struct House {
   string houseType;
   string houseColor;
   string houseLocation;

 struct HighestBid {
   uint256 bidAmount;
   address bidder;

 House public newHouse;
 HighestBid public highestBid;
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We’ve defined an owner property with the private access modifier; this means that the owner property can only be accessed from within the defining contract, in this case our contract. You can read more on access modifiers in solidity from the official doc. We’ve also defined the auction startTime, endTime, and bids as public properties meaning they can be accessed anywhere. We’ve added two structs, House and HighestBid, that define the house’s properties and hold the highest bid, respectively. Finally, we’ve initialized both structs, creating two new public variables, newHouse and highestBid.

With those out of the way, let’s go ahead and define some modifiers for our smart contract. In solidity, modifiers are functions used to alter the behavior of other functions; they are typically used to enforce security and ensure certain conditions are met before a function can be called. You can read up more on modifiers here

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Auction {


 // Modifiers
 modifier isOngoing() {
   require(block.timestamp < endTime, 'This auction is closed.');
 modifier notOngoing() {
   require(block.timestamp >= endTime, 'This auction is still open.');
 modifier isOwner() {
   require(msg.sender == owner, 'Only owner can perform task.');
 modifier notOwner() {
   require(msg.sender != owner, 'Owner is not allowed to bid.');
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Here, we’ve defined four modifiers; isOngoing ensures that the auction is still on by comparing the current time with the auction endTime property, notOngoing does the opposite of isOngoing, isOwner verifies that the calling user is the owner of the contract (The address that deployed the contract) and notOwner is the opposite of isOwner. All four modifiers use the require() check, which throws a revert exception using the message passed in as the second argument if the conditions passed as the first argument returns a false.

We’ll need to define some events that would be emitted by our smart contract on contract state change; this is important because it allows our frontend code to attach callbacks which would be triggered when our contract state changes. With this, we can give our users some sense of interactiveness, seeing that the Ethereum blockchain takes time to process transactions (typically 15 secs or more). You can read up more on events in solidity here. Next, add the below events to your smart contract:

 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Auction {


 // Events
 event LogBid(address indexed _highestBidder, uint256 _highestBid);
 event LogWithdrawal(address indexed _withdrawer, uint256 amount);
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To wrap up our smart contract, we’ll need to define a constructor function that would be called during contract deployment, we’ll also assign values to some of the properties we defined earlier, and then finally, we’ll define our smart contract functions.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Auction {


// Assign values to some properties during deployment
 constructor () {
   owner = msg.sender;
   startTime = block.timestamp;
   endTime = block.timestamp + 1 hours;
   newHouse.houseColor = '#FFFFFF';
   newHouse.houseLocation = 'Lagos, Nigeria';
   newHouse.houseType = 'Duplex';

 function makeBid() public payable isOngoing() notOwner() returns (bool) {
   uint256 bidAmount = bids[msg.sender] + msg.value;
   require(bidAmount > highestBid.bidAmount, 'Bid error: Make a higher Bid.');

   highestBid.bidder = msg.sender;
   highestBid.bidAmount = bidAmount;
   bids[msg.sender] = bidAmount;
   emit LogBid(msg.sender, bidAmount);
   return true;

 function withdraw() public notOngoing() isOwner() returns (bool) {
   uint256 amount = highestBid.bidAmount;
   bids[highestBid.bidder] = 0;
   highestBid.bidder = address(0);
   highestBid.bidAmount = 0;

   (bool success, ) = payable(owner).call{ value: amount }("");
   require(success, 'Withdrawal failed.');
   emit LogWithdrawal(msg.sender, amount);
   return true;

 function fetchHighestBid() public view returns (HighestBid memory) {
   HighestBid memory _highestBid = highestBid;
   return _highestBid;

 function getOwner() public view returns (address) {
   return owner;
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Notice how we assigned values to some properties inside our constructor function; this is so that those values are set during deployment. We’ve also added four new functions to our smart contract:

  1. makeBid: A public payable function that accepts Ether. Whenever a user wants to make a fresh bid or add to their current offer, this function is called. It uses the isOngoing and notOwner modifiers to allow bidding only while the auction is still ongoing and prevent the auction owner from placing a bid, respectively.
  2. withdraw: A public function that allows the contract owner to withdraw funds into their wallet; it uses the notOngoing and isOwner modifiers to prevent premature withdrawal while the auction is still on and restrict access to only the auction owner, respectively.
  3. fetchHighestBid and getOwner are both public view functions, which means unlike makeBid and withdraw functions, they do not modify state; this is also why they do not log any events. Both functions return the auction’s highest bid and the auction owner’s address, respectively.

With our smart contract ready to be tested and deployed, let’s verify that there are no errors in our code; we can do that by compiling our contract using the truffle compile command. It should compile successfully, and a new build folder with our contract ABI should appear on the project’s root directory. Note that we’ll need to change the location where our contract ABI live to use them in our frontend code, but that will be later as we begin to develop the user interface.

To deploy our smart contract code to any Ethereum network, we’ll need a migration script. So, in the migrations directory, create a new file and call it 2_initial_migrations.js, notice the prefix 2_; this tells Truffle which migration to run first and should be incremented as we add new migration scripts.

const Auction = artifacts.require("Auction");

module.exports = function (deployer) {
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The code above tells Truffle to fetch our Auction smart contract and deploy it to whatever network we set in our truffle.config.js file.

Testing our smart contract with Javascript, mocha, and chai

As mentioned earlier, Truffle comes bundled with an automated testing environment built on Mocha and Chai; this means we won’t be downloading any additional packages, head to the /test directory, create an Auction.test.js file and add the following code:

const Auction = artifacts.require("Auction");

contract("Auction", async accounts => {

 let auction;
 const ownerAccount = accounts[0];
 const userAccountOne = accounts[1];
 const userAccountTwo = accounts[2];
 const amount = 5000000000000000000; // 5 ETH
 const smallAmount = 3000000000000000000; // 3 ETH

 beforeEach(async () => {
   auction = await{from: ownerAccount});

 it("should make bid.", async () => {
   await auction.makeBid({value: amount, from: userAccountOne});
   const bidAmount = await auction.bids(userAccountOne);
   assert.equal(bidAmount, amount)

 it("should reject owner's bid.", async () => {
   try {
     await auction.makeBid({value: amount, from: ownerAccount});
   } catch (e) {
     assert.include(e.message, "Owner is not allowed to bid.")

 it("should require higher bid amount.", async () => {
   try {
     await auction.makeBid({value: amount, from: userAccountOne});
     await auction.makeBid({value: smallAmount, from: userAccountTwo});
   } catch (e) {
     assert.include(e.message, "Bid error: Make a higher Bid.")

 it("should fetch highest bid.", async () => {
   await auction.makeBid({value: amount, from: userAccountOne});
   const highestBid = await auction.fetchHighestBid();
   assert.equal(highestBid.bidAmount, amount)
   assert.equal(highestBid.bidder, userAccountOne)

 it("should fetch owner.", async () => {
   const owner = await auction.getOwner();
   assert.equal(owner, ownerAccount)

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We only tested for success cases for simplicity, but the same principle applies when testing for exceptions and events. You can read up more about testing with Truffle here. To run these test cases, navigate to the project root and run: truffle develop; this should create an interface for interacting with Truffle, finally run: test.

Building the user interface with React

To begin writing out our frontend code, we’ll need to set up a react development environment, and to help us do that with ease, we’ll be using the create-react-app command-line tool. First, in the project’s root directory, type the following command: npx create-react-app client; this will set up a react project with all the dependencies needed to write modern javascript inside a folder called client. Then, navigate into the client directory and run yarn start; you should have a react app running on port 3000. Since we're still putting the code together for the user interface, use CTRL + C to kill the process.

With the react project set up, let’s install ethers.js and the ethersproject’s unit package (for manipulating numbers out of Javascript range) by running the following command: yarn add ethers @ethersproject/units. Open the src/App.js file and update it with the following code:

import './App.css';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import { parseEther, formatEther } from '@ethersproject/units';
import Auction from './contracts/Auction.json';

const AuctionContractAddress = CONTRACT ADDRESS HERE;
const emptyAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';

function App() {
 // Use hooks to manage component state
 const [account, setAccount] = useState('');
 const [amount, setAmount] = useState(0);
 const [myBid, setMyBid] = useState(0);
 const [isOwner, setIsOwner] = useState(false);
 const [highestBid, setHighestBid] = useState(0);
 const [highestBidder, setHighestBidder] = useState('');

 // Sets up a new Ethereum provider and returns an interface for interacting with the smart contract
 async function initializeProvider() {
   const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
   const signer = provider.getSigner();
   return new ethers.Contract(AuctionContractAddress, Auction.abi, signer);

 // Displays a prompt for the user to select which accounts to connect
 async function requestAccount() {
   const account = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });

 async function fetchHighestBid() {
   if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
     const contract = await initializeProvider();
     try {
       const highestBid = await contract.fetchHighestBid();
       const { bidAmount, bidder } = highestBid;

     // Convert bidAmount from Wei to Ether and round value to 4 decimal places
     } catch (e) {
       console.log('error fetching highest bid: ', e);

 async function fetchMyBid() {
   if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
     const contract = await initializeProvider();
     try {
       const myBid = await contract.bids(account);
     } catch (e) {
       console.log('error fetching my bid: ', e);

 async function fetchOwner() {
   if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
     const contract = await initializeProvider();
     try {
       const owner = await contract.getOwner();
       setIsOwner(owner.toLowerCase() === account);
     } catch (e) {
       console.log('error fetching owner: ', e);

 async function submitBid(event) {
   if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
     const contract = await initializeProvider();
     try {
       // User inputs amount in terms of Ether, convert to Wei before sending to the contract.
       const wei = parseEther(amount);
       await contract.makeBid({ value: wei });
       // Wait for the smart contract to emit the LogBid event then update component state
       contract.on('LogBid', (_, __) => {
     } catch (e) {
       console.log('error making bid: ', e);

 async function withdraw() {
   if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
     const contract = await initializeProvider();
     // Wait for the smart contract to emit the LogWithdrawal event and update component state
     contract.on('LogWithdrawal', (_) => {
     try {
       await contract.withdraw();
     } catch (e) {
       console.log('error withdrawing fund: ', e);

 useEffect(() => {
 }, []);

 useEffect(() => {
   if (account) {
 }, [account]);

 return (
   <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', width: '50%', margin: '0 auto', marginTop: '100px' }}>
     {isOwner ? (
       <button type="button" onClick={withdraw}>
     ) : (
         textAlign: 'center',
         marginTop: '20px',
         paddingBottom: '10px',
         border: '1px solid black'
       <p>Connected Account: {account}</p>
       <p>My Bid: {myBid}</p>
       <p>Auction Highest Bid Amount: {highestBid}</p>
         Auction Highest Bidder:{' '}
         {highestBidder === emptyAddress
           ? 'null'
           : highestBidder === account
           ? 'Me'
           : highestBidder}
       {!isOwner ? (
         <form onSubmit={submitBid}>
             onChange={(event) => setAmount(}
             name="Bid Amount"
             placeholder="Enter Bid Amount"
           <button type="submit">Submit</button>
       ) : (

export default App;
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That was a lot of code but it’s straightforward what we’re trying to achieve. To clarify what’s happening in our code:

  1. We are establishing a client connection to the deployed contract using the contract address and the smart contract ABI; the initializeProvider function achieves this.
  2. We are connecting to the user’s Metamask and pulling their wallet address. This is achieved by the requestAccount() function.
  3. We are fetching and displaying the active user’s current bid amount; this is achieved with the fetchMyBid() function.
  4. We are also fetching and displaying the highest bidder’s current bid amount and wallet address. This is achieved with the fetchHigestBid() function.
  5. We provide an input field for users to enter their bid amount and submit; this is achieved by the submitBid() function.
  6. Finally, we create a withdraw button that will only be displayed to the auction owner and can be used for withdrawing funds to their wallet when the auction closes. This is achieved with the withdraw() and isOwner() functions.

Deploying Our Smart Contract to Ganache

As we’ve successfully written out the code for both the smart contract and the user interface, we will go ahead and deploy our smart contract to Ganache, making it available to be called from within the react code. To do that, update the truffle.config.js file to look like this:

module.exports = {
 contracts_build_directory: './client/src/contracts',
 networks: {
   development: {
    host: "",
    port: 7545,
    network_id: "*",

 compilers: {
   solc: {
     version: "0.8.9"
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Notice we’ve added a new contracts_build_directory key, and we’ve pointed that to ./client/src/contracts; this means that whenever we compile our contract code, the ABI is going to be placed inside this folder, thus making it easier to interact with our contract from the react code.

Launch the Ganache application and click the QUICKSTART option to get a development blockchain running; this provides us with 10 test Ethereum accounts stashed with 100 Ether tokens each for playing around and testing our DApp. When we deploy smart contracts to the Ganache development blockchain, Ganache uses the first account out of the ten test accounts as the owner’s account; keep that in mind as we’ll be using the owner’s account to perform tasks that only the auction owner can perform.

Truffle has a bunch of handy commands, and you can learn more about them here, but we’ll be using the migrate command truffle migrate --network <NETWORK_NAME> which tells Truffle to compile and deploy our contract to the specified network configured in our truffle config file, it defaults to the development network when no network is specified. Now navigate to the project root directory and run the command truffle migrate; if successful, you will see that a new contracts directory has been created inside the client/src folder; you can inspect the files to see what an ABI looks like. In addition to the newly compiled ABI, notice that the command also returns some significant output about our deployment like the amount of gas used, gas price, contract address, etc.; you should copy out your unique contract address and update this line in the react code (App.js).

const AuctionContractAddress = CONTRACT ADDRESS HERE;
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Note: After running the migration command for the first time, subsequent migration (after changes have been made to the contract code) will need to include the --reset flag; this tells Truffle that changes have been made to the contract code and it needs to be recompiled, this comes with a caveat though, it redeploys the contract code to a new Ethereum address so you should remember to constantly update the contract address in the react code whenever a new deployment is made to avoid facing hard to debug issues.

Manual testing with MetaMask

To interact with a decentralized application like the one we just created, we’ll need to connect our Metamask wallet; we’ll use some of the accounts given to us for free by Ganache, to be precise, the first two accounts (the Auction owner and one random account). So let’s go ahead and import those into our Metamask wallet.

Launch the Metamask Chrome extension we downloaded earlier and follow these instructions to import accounts:

  1. Click the dropdown and select the Custom RPC option, fill in the required details, and save. See image below for hint: Click custom RPC Fill in network details

If you get an error that says This Chain ID is currently used by the localhost network., try deleting theLocalhost 8545 network and try again. If you're unable to delete the network (recent version of Metamask extension for Chrome has a tiny bug) then consider using the Microsoft Edge browser instead.

  1. Get the first test account private key from Ganache:

    Click key icon
    Copy private key

  2. Import the first test account into Metamask:
    Click import account
    Paste account private key

Repeat steps 2 and 3 to import the second test account to Metamask.

With both accounts imported and ready for use, let's start playing with our app. In Metamask, switch from the Ethereum Mainnet to the newly added Ganache network (ensure Ganache is running), navigate into the client directory and start the react app with yarn start, then proceed to localhost:3000; notice that Metamask prompts you to connect your account; go ahead and select the two newly added accounts like so:
Selecting the two newly added accounts

Now depending on which account you’re currently connected to, you should be able to:

  1. User Account: Make a fresh bid and add to your current offer; the UI would show the current highest bid, the bidder, your current bid, and your connected account address. Keep in mind the contract stops accepting bids one hour after contract deployment.
  2. Owner Account: See what address made the highest bid, what the highest bid amount is and withdraw the current highest bid to your wallet address once the auction endTime (auction startTime + 1 hour) reaches.

Deploying to the Rinkeby testnet

This section walks us through the deployment of our smart contract to the Rinkeby testnet. To help us achieve this, we’ll be using the Infura Ethereum API. Infura provides a suite of high availability APIs and developer tools that provides quick access to the Ethereum network. You can learn more about them here. The deployment process can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Get an account funded with test Ether from the Rinkeby testnet: Start by switching Metamask from the Ganache network to Rinkeby testnet, copy the account address and follow the instructions here to get some test Ether.
    Switch metamask to rinkeby testnet

  2. Get the private key of the funded account: Navigate to the account details page and copy the private key.
    Click account details
    Copy private key

  3. Securely store and retrieve the private key using Truffle’s HDWalletProvider: In the root of the truffle project, run yarn add @truffle/hdwallet-provider to install the HDWalletProvider library. Next, create a .secret file in the root of the truffle project and place the private key inside. Make sure to add this secret file to .gitignore so that it doesn’t get published.

  4. Create an Infura project: Sign up and create a new project here. Infura should provide you with different endpoints for each Ethereum network, switch to the Rinkeby testnet and copy the HTTPS endpoint.

  5. Update the truffle-config.js file to use the HDWalletProvider library and define a Rinkeby network connection option:

const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');
const fs = require('fs');
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync(".secret").toString().trim();
const infuraURL = "<HTTPS ENDPOINT HERE>";

module.exports = {
  contracts_build_directory: './client/src/contracts',
  networks: {
    development: {
     host: "",
     port: 7545,
     network_id: "*",
    rinkeby: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(privateKey, infuraURL),
      network_id: 3,
      gas: 5500000,
      confirmations: 2,
      timeoutBlocks: 200,
      skipDryRun: true
  compilers: {
    solc: {
      version: "0.7.1",
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Compile and deploy the contract by navigating to the project root and running truffle compile followed by truffle migrate --network rinkeby. This should take some time and Rinkeby Ether to complete, monitor the console and upon successful completion, you should get a new contract address.

That’s it! If you’ve followed through to this point, then congratulations, you’ve written, tested, and deployed your first decentralized application.

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Top comments (3)

nisase profile image

Thanks for the tutorial, it has such great explanations.

On the other hand, I'm new to React and I would like to delve about the reason why in submitBid function it first call the function contract.makeBid and then wait for the event log to be emited, but on withdraw function it first waits for the event to be emited and after that in a try-catch statement the function contract.withdraw is called, I wonder why the order of the above is done like such?

Can you explain me what does this mean to have this ( _, __ ) or this ( _ ), for what this argument is required and what is the difference for having each of them in each case.

Thanks in advance!

gravitator1 profile image
gravitator1 • Edited

very simply) I need to keep it simple. drag-and-drop. Seen it somewhere...

montera82 profile image
Edwin Ikechukwu

very informative screenshots on point!

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