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3 services for someone who hates using a mouse🐭

Using a mouse on computer is no more than one little action but, it could be a stressful experience when it comes to handling repeated tasks.
Today, I want to introduce 3 nice services for someone who hates using a mouse.
Let's get it started!


In short,Rectangle is an app that allows you to adjust the size and position of window so easily and smooth

With a combination of [option]+[control]+[(several keys)],you can move windows to anywhere in the desktop (to the bottom or corner or center or etc) or adjust their size.

You can also move windows in between multi displays with this app without using a mouse.

Here's a short movie of this app's demo.

2.Rearrange Tabs

Rearrange Tabs is a Chrome extension that allows you to change the order of tabs with keyboard.

With [shift]+[control]+(←or→) ,you can change the order of tabs in the browser so easily.

Here's a short movie of this app's demo


Vimium is a Chrome extension that allows you to create shortcuts to almost every link in the browser.
Tap [f] or [shift]+[f],then you will see yellow shortcut keys to every link in the web page. (see down below)

Image description

Goodbye to those days you were mashing [tab] key not to use a mouse.

Thanks to the ones who created those 3 nice services.

Top comments (2)

yuhuishishishi profile image
I love integers

May I suggest - tiling window managers

georgeanderson profile image
George Guimarães

I came to say the same. And ff you have already started using Vimium, you should also try using [neo]vim everywhere you can. If you don't want to program in vim directly, look for plugins in your favorite IDE that will enable vim bindings (those same ones used bv Vimium). This way you are going to save your tendons from lots of clicks.