Hi! I'm Vicente, your friendly Filipino mod for the #python tag. Today is another episode of the Top Python Posts of the month!
At the end of each month, I'll be curating the top #python posts based on traffic & engagement.
1.) Top 5 Concurrency Interview Questions for Software Engineers
Concurrency and multithreading are some of the most advanced topics brought up in interviews, but a strong foundation in them can put interviewees at a considerable advantage over their peers. In short, these skills are a major plus for software engineers.

Top 5 Concurrency Interview Questions for Software Engineers
Fahim ul Haq for Educative ・ Nov 19 '19
2.) 10 reasons why learning Python is still a great idea
Python has a nice and elegant syntax that allows you to write concise and readable code. The development process is generally very fast because of the language features, a large number of useful libraries in many areas, excellent community support, excellent support for most of the major integrated development environments, and so on.

10 reasons why learning Python is still a great idea
Duomly ・ Nov 22 '19
3.) Awesome Full Stack Python Resources
A curation of books, courses, youtube video tutorials to become a Full Stack Python Developer.

Awesome Full Stack Python Resources
Max Ong Zong Bao ・ Nov 27 '19
4.) Let me introduce you Reverse Python
Creating complex projects is the key to learn fast! If you are following me for a while, you already know I like complex stuff, so we are going to use RabbitMQ + Celery + BeautifulSoup + Django for creating this app.
Article No Longer Available
5.) Advanced Automation Tips with Python | Selenium
In this article, you'll learn about a web driver, creating a class, how to handle logins, looping on clicks, writing data in a CSV file, handle popups or iframes, send CSV data to web elements, handle dropdowns & navigate the parent element with xpath. Dive right in!
Article No Longer Available
That wraps up the top #python posts for November. If you'd like to read more, check out #python or follow The Python Dev on Twitter!
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