DEV Community

Discussion on: IE11 Mainstream End Of Life in Oct 2020

himujjal profile image
Himujjal Upadhyaya

Don't web bundlers do most of the fallback things. I mean make separate bundles for IE11. With CSS it doesn't really matter anyways. If your user is using IE11 let the user suffer the horrible ui layouts.

With JS errors, it's a concern. The app becomes unusable. This can be totally avoided using webpack or rollup.

Angular has a nice build system where it only brings up a polyfill if the first script it sent says what kind of browser it is. Now for CSR apps this is an extra http call and user ability will be slow.

For SSR you get the user agent anyways. Can serve bundles accordingly. I think optimal use of module bundlers is what can solve the big problem regarding IE11

himujjal profile image
Himujjal Upadhyaya

To add to that. Android development also of suffers from the same problem. If you are building apps like Whatsapp or Facebook you have to support builds all the way to Android 4. That's horrible for a developer.

But implementing fallbacks are what defines developers top. Find the automated solution to a problem is what makes development interesting for me.