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IoT Security and Physical Safety

The Internet of Things offers several benefits to consumers and has the ability to modify the ways that consumers communicate with technology in fundamental ways.

From a security and privacy point of view, the estimated extensive introduction of sensors and devices into currently familiar spaces likewise the home, the car and with wearable’s even the body — presents specific challenges.

Nowadays, we rely on IoT devices more than ever. In a world improvingly connected by devices, it’s very suitable to utilize an IoT device for every purpose.

These devices are not only limited to various industries uses they’ve already found their way into our homes and have become an ordinary part of our lives. As physical objects in our day to day lives increasingly recognize and share declarations about us, consumers will likely continue to want privacy.

Physical Safety of IoT Devices

Physical safety IoT devices contain systems such as surveillance cameras, door locks, fire alarm systems, access control systems and similar devices mostly utilized to secure a location or prevent a threat. They make up a remarkable section of today’s 20 billion connected devices and will continue to be heavily utilized as the number of IoT devices is assumed to reach 31 billion by next year.
We can say that these devices are crucial in assuring the physical safety of people who use them. However, they do have a deadly defect in their cybersecurity, which makes them at risk of criminals cohering with hackers.

For instance, they don’t require coming up with a way to drive by the surveillance cameras unnoticed — all they have to do is weaken the system. Security cameras, alarm systems, entrance gates and many more connected safety and security systems all tremendously enhance the vulnerability to security issues and the risk of cyberattacks.

Vulnerabilities in apparently low-risk devices may end up compromising crucial security processes, even posing instant physical threats.

Simply Attack Targets

As a variation of objects become a huge part of an interconnected environment, we need to consider that these devices have lost physical security, as they are going to be situated in hostile environments, immediately accessible by the individual who is most stimulated to interfere with the controls, attackers could potentially obstruct, read or change data; they could tamper with control systems and modify functionality, all adding to the risk structures.

Most connected devices have unfortunately been proven to simply attack targets for cybercriminals. Security cameras are the most remarkably attacked IoT physical safety devices, as even the most essentially attacks can disable them and put at risk the whole safety system.

This is an effect of a lack of cybersecurity regulations and the state of the market, empowering the sale of devices that can be easily utilized. If we consider the significance of the role these devices play, it should be most important to make sure that they can’t enter the market unless their cybersecurity status is acceptable.

Safety of IoT Devices

The essential step in securing all IoT devices is to implement specific cybersecurity regulation and compliance with a combined cybersecurity standard. Though, there are still some solutions that would particularly benefit physical safety IoT devices, which can also be traversed alongside the more standard ones.

For instance, the uses of honeypot solutions which can detect counteract attempts at unauthorized utilization of information systems and can assist to keep them away from the actual physical safety systems of devices that they are attempting to attack.
Moreover, it would also be helpful to think in terms of real-time security alerts and proactive when dealing with cybersecurity issues to assure the security of the physical safety of IoT devices.

Minimizing Risks

It is assumed for IoT devices to have specific vulnerabilities, but those devices that assure our physical safety should not be subject to the urges of cybercriminals.

To ignore the loss of life or a reduction in safety caused by even the simplest cyberattacks, we must assure that such devices are secure by design with a significant or high level of security assurance taking into account the concerns due to the deliberate use.

Securing the Internet of Things (IoT) continues becoming more essential as the value of assets and the number of connected devices, continues to rise.

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