DEV Community

Hitendra Girase
Hitendra Girase

Posted on

npm install hang while using the anuglar 17

npm install command is working fine locally but it gets hang on build (pipeline) server.. I am using the anuglar 17.3.10 and node version 20.16.0..Please help me for this. .i have tried many ways to resolve it but not able to solve it.

Top comments (3)

nlxdodge profile image

I think before we can help we need a little bit more information.

  • What build service/pipeline service are you using?
  • If this is Github, what does your build action look like?
  • Are you getting any error's in the pipeline?
  • Do you get a timeout or are you out of build minutes?
hitendra_girase_ce3f45d28 profile image
Hitendra Girase

Image description
These are warning which are showing while build project locally too.. I was stopped this manually as it was not worked.

hitendra_girase_ce3f45d28 profile image
Hitendra Girase

Thanks for response..

  • We are using the TeamCity.
  • I am not getting any error in pipeline.
  • No timeout, its seeing continue processing hours and hours.

Actually i have also tried the npm install on respective project folder using command prompt but still having the same issue.