Using faker will save you so much time and effort when creating fake data for your projects and its so easy to use.
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A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
This gem is a port of Perl's Data::Faker library that generates fake data.
It comes in very handy for taking screenshots (taking screenshots for my project, Catch the Best was the original impetus for the creation of this gem), having real-looking test data, and having your database populated with more than one or two records while you're doing development.
- While Faker generates data at random, returned values are not guaranteed to be unique by default You must explicitly specify when you require unique values, see details Values also can be deterministic if you use the deterministic feature, see details
- This is the
branch of Faker and may contain changes that are not yet released Please refer the…
I love using FAKER for my projects and development websites to flood my database with dynamic information. The nine person team over at Faker say "We're committed to offering the best faker generators." and they surely mean it.
This repo is still getting new updates so check in often to see what new things this generator can do. I'm waiting for the Michael Scott quotes generator to be released.
Check out the generators
(Found in :
Find one you like
(For example Faker::Ancient) :
They even offer customization :
Please go ahead and check out FAKER and while your there look into there other repos like :
As far free to use fake data generators go FAKER is easy to use, easy to comprehend and has so many fun generators to really dive deep into.
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