This demo let you use drizzle to control your sqlite DB in a Tauri app, without any sidecar.
This is a Tauri v2 reproduction for the archived repo
Tauri's backend is in Rust, so I always thought the only way to use sqlite ORM in a Tauri app is with projects like diesel or prisma-client-rust, which could be hard because they are in rust.
What is even harder is sqlite db encryption. Both of the 2 ORMs don't support cipher encryption, thus I had to write raw sql queries in kunkun Example
Maintaining raw sql queries is a nightmare to me, especially when it comes to schema migration.
I have to rely on thorough testing to make sure everything is correct. There is no type checking.
I never knew it's possible to use TypeScript ORM like drizzle in Tauri without a sidecar.
In my project kkrpc I implemented a Tauri adapter and made it possible to use compiled TypeScript backend as a sidecar in a Tauri app. With kkrpc, it's easy to call TypeScript backend from frontend. I can use any TypeScript libraries in a compiled deno/bun/node binary, including drizzle.
However that introduces at least 60MB to the bundle size. It's a good deal if you can take advantage of many node packages, but not really worth it for just DB.
Then I found this project using drizzle proxy to send queries to Tauri's sql plugin.
Drizzle Proxy Docs:
Basically, it's a translator between the tauri-plugin-sql and drizzle ORM.
drizzle computes the sql query in frontend and send the query + params to backend to execute.
The backend can be a http server, or Tauri core.
// Example of driver implementation
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-proxy';
const db = drizzle(async (sql, params, method) => {
try {
const rows = await'http://localhost:3000/query', { sql, params, method });
return { rows: };
} catch (e: any) {
console.error('Error from pg proxy server: ',
return { rows: [] };
Here is real code
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-proxy";
import Database from "@tauri-apps/plugin-sql";
import * as schema from "./schema";
export async function getDb() {
return await Database.load("sqlite:test.db");
export const db = drizzle<typeof schema>(
async (sql, params, method) => {
const sqlite = await getDb();
let rows: any = [];
let results = [];
// If the query is a SELECT, use the select method
if (isSelectQuery(sql)) {
rows = await, params).catch((e) => {
console.error("SQL Error:", e);
return [];
} else {
// Otherwise, use the execute method
rows = await sqlite.execute(sql, params).catch((e) => {
console.error("SQL Error:", e);
return [];
return { rows: [] };
rows = any) => {
return Object.values(row);
// If the method is "all", return all rows
results = method === "all" ? rows : rows[0];
await sqlite.close();
return { rows: results };
// Pass the schema to the drizzle instance
{ schema: schema, logger: true }
And here is how it can be used (just like regular drizzle code)
const loadUsers = async () => {
.then((results) => {
console.log("🚀 ~ FindMany response from Drizzle:", results);
users = results;
async function addUser() {
await db.insert(schema.users).values({ name: nameInput });
nameInput = "";
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