Hi everyone, Hudy here!
Today, I'm excited to share my open-source project manager with you all. I built this from the ground up with the goal of...
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You can reduce more on cost by utilizing Cloudflare more by using R2 for storage and Cloudflare workers for the backend with Hono
Thanks for your suggestion. I will add R2 support into the app.
This is cool. Will look this up next year with my students. Do you have a open repo for this project?
yes, i have github.com/hudy9x/namviek
Cool thx!
Hello, after running the backend and frontend, when I go to the login screen and enter my account and password like the clip, I get this error, I don't know what the error is.
I see you're using Windows, so please run these following command before starting the app:
1/ generate schema
2/ push schema to the mongodb database
3/ create a user
P/S: if you run these command already, but still got the error. Please run the 1/ command again. And go to MongoDB Atlas to check whether admin user has created or not.
Thank you for your reply, there is already a user on mongoDB but I don't understand why I still get the above login error, please help me.
Please double check the connection string.
The error shown above tell you that: " Error creating a database connection. " That means your MONGODB_URL might be incorrect.
Open up the .env file and go to Mongodb Atlas > Connect to view your domain.
Hello, I tried to do exactly the same as yours and my mod is also the same, it has already added the user so it will be the right link, right, but I still get this error. Please check
Please replace your username and password and try the following connection:
I removed the appName search param
This is my url, it's the same as yours and it still has the same error as above, hope you have a solution
after replacing the connection string, you should re-run this command again:
then restart the backend and try again.
Hi, please try to check. I can record a clip if you have free time. Please check this error for me. Thank you
It's wierd :))
Your connection string works well for me bro
I just replace yours to mine and re-generate the schema.
So, please join my discord server I want to see all of your settings
Please let me go to the disco
Please let me go to the disco
Please give me the discord link
P.S. not to be the paranoid person but please don't share connection string on comments 🙏🏽, their might be invisible 🎩 blackhats harvesting it, having an access. They will like to have access to your growth 🥶
nobody cares actually
Hey! So basically this is an open source host-yourself productivity app for teams?
Yes, It is bro.
Hey! I use Product Hunt, and X (Twitter) reach me out if you decide to create a product launch.
You may also be interested to add it to platforms such as PikaPods, Railway and elestio
This is awesome, I was looking for aomething like this.
Great project, very inspiring your code, thanks for sharing!
When you mention the costs, do you really get a free domain with Cloudflare? How do you do it?
Thank you!
No, I bought a domain on namecheap
This is cool. I got it working on my Windows PC. However, I was wondering if the Mongodb database be on my local environment. Appreciate your answer.
My team have been working on this. Soon we'll commit the docker version for local use. Watch our repo or discord server
Thank you for open-sourcing this incredible project. Your dedication and generosity are truly inspiring. Keep up the fantastic work 🚀
good job, bro. I also have a small team, we're using GitHub project to manage the tasks, i think it doesn't have Goal View and Calendar View, therefore your product is very nice.
Thanks for your comment. As a team leader, do you think the app should integrate Github to sync PR or issues ? I'd love to here from you.
Great work
The docker version is available guys.
How can I get the frontend source code of the platform? (namviek.com/)
just visit my repo, you'll see frontend code in
I mean the landing page of the website (namviek.com) not the application itself.
ohh okay my bad thanks
Awesome work. Love the clean look... Any plans to make a Docker version?
I do have a docker version. But it's under development. The major issue is the image too big (>2gb) :(
The docker version is available now
Hello, to all my people who love FOSS software.. can you just help me with this react.js app? Whatever you do just make it better.. lets see where it ends...
Github URL
The first thing you should do is that update the README file bro.
Something like:
The screenshots look very similar to Linear. Were you guys inspired by it?
No, it inspired by a design on dribble. And a lot of features are from Clickup and Trello
Wow, the product is amazing, we had been using Notion till now for team management, but this seems much more productive.
However, I was wondering if the one who sets the project up with MongoDB will have all others' data as well, or if each one of the members will have to set up MongoDB.
Also if I set up the project, how do I share it with others? I mean how do they start contributing?
Yes, anyone who setup the project will own the entire data.
No, the application has one database, You're thinking in Notion way that each member has their own database. That's incorrect for my project.
If your're a developer you can contribute your fixes and features via my repo
This looks promising. Any chance that you'll include Appwrite (appwrite.io) support in the future?
No, I want to control the cloud, not using an All in one platform.
Maybe another FOSS
Appwrite is FOSS...
Is the website open-source? I'd be happy to make it responsive.
I appreciate that, the repo here bro: github.com/hudy9x/namviek
This is for the application. I wanted the repo for the website.
Here it is: github.com/hudy9x/namviek-landingpage
This is truly inspiring! Thanks for sharing (both your experience and the app :-) )
Great work, it's really helpful for small teams.
Yep, Hope it saves your operational cost.
Can you find a way to make it accessible at a low cost to non-devs and once figured out it will be easy to sell via the web!!, just an idea
that's a good idea. I'll think about it. Thanks
Bruh 👍
whats wrong with github.com/makeplane/plane ?
this's absolutely amazing FOSS. It's look so familiar with Linear
Sorry this is off topic but I went to Vietnam (Saigon) last month for the first time and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. :-)
This is extremely incredible, well done
I am in love with the landing page by the way <3
Seem like this project not working with pnpm ... so sad....
No worry. I'm planning to add pnpm support.
Thanks for sharing, buddy.
What did you use for the calendar view?
I built the calendar view myself and used react-beautiful-dnd for the drag and drop functionality
très intéressant
Congrats for this project! I'm wondering if is there a dockerized version of the app? If not I can create one. Thanks!
the docker version is available now
Some contributors are working on it. Watch the repo, it will be update as soon as the docker version available
Hey! this looks great. I am able to run it but unable to register a user. If there a default admin user?
Run the following command to seed a default user
Cool. Appreciated.
Looks great! Mind submitting it on openaltenative.co?
Fyi the discord link your sharing is invalid! Could you generate a new one for here and your website?
Opps!! My bad, here it is discord.gg/XbYtDQYFPZ
hey!, can any one help how mongodb binary use in electron app here is my post link
Great work Hudy, absolutely love the user-friendly interface and underlying functionalities!
Thank you, happy coding :D
I can't run the command "yarn pushdb"
everything is installed but I get this error.
I replied your issue on Github, please check it out. If you need helps please go to my discord channel
What a super cool thing that your team made! 🤩