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Hugh Olssen
Hugh Olssen

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Top 5 Influencers That Are Environmental Activists

Preserving our environment and fighting climate change have become more important now than ever. We live in a world where industrialization has caused a massive cut-down of forests. This has impacted our planet in ways that we could only imagine. Also, did we mention the huge plastic contamination of our oceans and the depleting energy reserves? Yes, those as well!

Although we have already done enough damage to our environment, there is still time to come to our senses and help save our planet. Small but consistent efforts in our day-to-day lives can help us in this fight.
As someone concerned about climate change and the drastic consequences that come with it, we don't need to protest and start on-road movements to bring the change.

The question is where to start?

Several environmental influencers have pledged to make the world a better place for everyone. The strategies they follow and the advice they offer have helped them garner huge attention worldwide. These activists are working hard to encourage people about the alarming climate changes and how it is impacting our planet. It is because of their right motives and genuine concerns that they are now viewed as environmental influencers.

We as a concerned audience can follow these influencers and the measures they are taking to fight this battle. Although various such environmentalists are contributing to society, here is our list of the top 5 such environmental activists who are doing their bit for the planet. Ready to feel inspired? Follow these influencers to keep getting your daily dose of inspiration!

1. Immy Lucas

She posts healthy vegan meals, tours of her minimal closet, inspiring books to read, and other ways to help the environment. Lucas is the founder of the blog, Low Impact Movement, and a climate activist. Lucas is the founder of what sheLow Impact, which strives for a "low environmental impact through a high social impact."

The organization has a website and blog where you can find DIYs such as green tea facial toner, natural deodorant, shampoo, and Immy's favorite 'on-the-go' items.

2. Heather White

If you want to get your family more involved in eco-friendly practices, White and her family will provide insight and inspiration.
They source their food from their garden and White posts images on how you can grow your own vegetables and why fresh produce is so important. Learn how to cook with herbs like rosemary and oregano, peppermint, and thyme. " She and her family of four, live a sustainable lifestyle at their "suburban" home in NW, Wa.

One favorite moment is her walk with her kids to pick up litter along the road. Heather White shares the everyday details of their environmental practices such as gardening and avoiding plastic and paper in favor of glass and composting. Heather White says she "strives to live intentionally by reducing waste and working toward minimalism.

3. Erik Bergman

Erik Bergman is a very successful person in the marketing world, with his marketing agency Catena Media as a co-founder made more than $50 million before celebrating his 30th birthday.

Besides his enormous success with his marketing agency, in 2017 Erik Bergman decided to leave the agency and start It is an Online Casino Affiliate company that gives away 100% of its profit to the constant fight against climate change. What a gesture!

He is also constantly active on his Instagram page , with a wide audience of more than 460 000 followers which he constantly entertains and coaches.

4. Vic Barett

Vic Barrett is a climate activist who is one of the youth plaintiffs suing the US government in the Juliana V United States climate lawsuit.

Hailing from an Afro-Indigenous community in the Caribbean, Vic was 11 when Hurricane Sandy devastated battered his hometown of White Plains, New York.

5. Tim Silverwood

Environmentalist Tim is a zero waste and plastic campaigner. 2014 Green Globe β€˜Sustainability Champion’, he starred as an β€˜Ocean Guardian’ in the 2017 feature documentary, Blue.

The founder of 'ReChusable', which aims to reduce plastic pollution, and 'Take 3', a non-profit organization devoted to raising awareness of marine debris.

Any other I might have forgotten? Feel free to remind me in the comments!

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