DEV Community

Abdul Samad
Abdul Samad Subscriber

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Metro Rail Path Finder

Overview of My Submission

I made an Express application which basically calculates the path from one station to another in a particular city's Metro rail map.

It connects to the database on Mongodb Atlas. My database has collections based on maps of different cities.
The express app passes the User-preferences over to functions that query the database to find the route.

The app is very easily scalable, as to add a map, one only has to add a new collection in the database (containing Station names etc) and one option in the "Map Select" drop-down.
Everything else, including the functions and the drop-downs are designed to get updates from the database itself.

Here is the link to my Github repository.

Submission Category:

Choose Your Own Adventure

Link to Code

GitHub logo mr-loop-1 / metro-path-mongodb

My Mongodb Atlas Project for Devto+Mongodb Hackathon


Note: The Mongodb database may refuse to connect sometimes. I am finding a fix for that

This is a Metro Rail Path Finder app I made for + MongoDb Atlas Hackathon. It sources its data from Mongodb Atlas Database.

Technology Used: Expressjs, MongoDb Atlas

To run the app

Just make sure that node and npm are installed and

npm start

And it will be deployed on http://localhost:3000/users/details

The calculation may get slow for longer paths.




Additional Resources / Info

Technology Used: Express, Mongodb, Atlas

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Abdul Samad
