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Christian Dave Montalban
Christian Dave Montalban

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What is Docker? ELI5

Docker is a tool that helps people to manage and run applications. It makes it easier to move applications from one computer to another, and to run multiple applications on the same computer without them getting in each other's way.

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Imagine you have a toy box full of different toys. Each toy has its own special parts and pieces, and they all need to be put together in a certain way to work properly. Docker is like a special organizer that helps you to keep all your toys in order, so that you can find the right toy quickly and easily.

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For example, let's say you have a toy car and a toy robot. The car needs to be assembled with its wheels, doors, and engine, and the robot needs to be assembled with its arms, legs, and head. Without Docker, you would need to find the right parts for each toy, and put them together in the right way. But with Docker, you can use special containers to organize the parts for each toy, so that you can easily find the parts you need and assemble the toys quickly and correctly.

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Docker is also like a special playroom where you can play with your toys without making a mess. In the playroom, you can have your toy car and toy robot set up and ready to go, without worrying about losing any parts or mixing up the pieces from different toys. This makes it easier and more fun to play with your toys, and it helps to keep everything neat and tidy.

Overall, Docker is a helpful tool that makes it easier to manage and run applications, just like a special organizer and playroom make it easier to play with your toys.

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