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Cover image for Java: "Pass-by-Value" vs "Pass-by-Reference" - Unraveling the Confusion
Odumosu Matthew
Odumosu Matthew

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Java: "Pass-by-Value" vs "Pass-by-Reference" - Unraveling the Confusion

Understanding how Java handles parameter passing is a common source of confusion among developers. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the debate of whether Java is "pass-by-value" or "pass-by-reference," clarifying the concepts with clear code examples and shedding light on the intricacies of Java's parameter passing mechanism.

The Truth: Java is "Pass-by-Value":

Contrary to the misconception, Java is strictly "pass-by-value." But the key to understanding this lies in how references are passed.

Passing Primitive Types:

primitive types

Passing Objects (References):

primitive type

Explaining the Behavior:

In Java, when you pass a primitive type, a copy of its value is passed to the method, leaving the original variable unchanged. When you pass an object reference, the reference's value (memory address) is copied, not the object itself. This means you can modify the object's properties inside the method, but you can't change the reference itself.

Best Practices:

Clear Terminology: Understand the difference between "passing by value" and "passing by reference" to communicate accurately.

Immutable Objects:When passing objects, consider making them immutable to prevent unintended modifications.


Java's parameter passing behavior is often debated, but it's essential to grasp the nuances. By recognizing that Java is "pass-by-value," you can confidently navigate how primitive types and object references are handled in different scenarios.

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Credit: Graphics sourced from amazon

Top comments (1)

erikpischel profile image
Erik Pischel

So you pass a reference and call that "pass-by-value"?