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Gonçalo Alves
Gonçalo Alves

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Tailwind CSS vs. Vanilla CSS: When to Use Each for Your Web Development Projects

When building a website or web application, the decision between using Tailwind CSS and vanilla CSS can significantly impact your workflow, design consistency, and project scalability. Both options offer unique benefits, but the right choice depends on your specific project requirements and goals.

In this article, we'll dive into the strengths of Tailwind CSS and vanilla CSS, helping you decide which is the best fit for your next web development project.


What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a vast array of utility classes directly in your HTML. This approach allows for rapid development and design consistency across your project. Instead of writing custom CSS for each component, you apply pre-defined classes like flex, text-center, and mt-4 to style elements on the fly.


What is Vanilla CSS?

Vanilla CSS refers to writing custom CSS without the use of frameworks. This traditional approach gives developers complete control over styling, allowing for highly customized designs. While it requires more effort to maintain consistency, it offers unparalleled flexibility.


Advantages of Tailwind CSS

  1. Faster Development

    Tailwind CSS shines when you need to speed up development. By using utility classes, you can style components quickly without writing additional CSS. This can be particularly beneficial in agile environments where quick iterations are key.

  2. Design Consistency

    With Tailwind, every developer on your team uses the same set of utility classes, ensuring consistent design across your project. This is especially useful in large-scale projects where maintaining uniformity is challenging.

  3. Component-Based Design

    Tailwind CSS is ideal for component-based architectures, commonly used in frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular. It allows you to encapsulate styles within components, reducing the need for global CSS and preventing style conflicts.

  4. Highly Customizable

    Despite its utility-first nature, Tailwind is highly customizable. You can extend the default theme, create custom utility classes, and modify existing ones to fit your specific design system. This flexibility makes it easy to align Tailwind with your brand's visual identity.

  5. Minimized Naming Conflicts

    By using utility classes directly in your HTML, Tailwind helps you avoid the common pitfalls of CSS class name conflicts and specificity issues, which can be a major headache in vanilla CSS.


Advantages of Vanilla CSS

  1. Complete Control Over Styling

    Vanilla CSS gives you full control over your styles, allowing you to write any CSS rule needed to achieve the exact look and feel you want. This level of control is crucial when working on projects with unique or complex design requirements.

  2. Ideal for Small Projects

    For smaller projects or simple websites, vanilla CSS might be the better option. It eliminates the need to learn and configure a framework, allowing you to focus on writing custom styles tailored to your project's specific needs.

  3. Simplicity and Learning

    If you or your team are new to web development, vanilla CSS is universally understood and has a lower learning curve. It’s a great starting point for beginners or teams that prefer a straightforward approach.

  4. Specific Design Requirements

    When your project has very specific design needs that aren’t easily met with utility classes, vanilla CSS offers the flexibility to create custom styles without limitations.

  5. No Build Process Required

    Vanilla CSS can be written directly in your HTML or linked in a separate stylesheet without requiring a build process, which is necessary when using Tailwind CSS. This can be a simpler approach for smaller projects or static websites.


Tailwind CSS vs. Vanilla CSS: Making the Right Choice

  • Tailwind CSS is ideal for developers who prefer an integrated workflow, where code and styles coexist within the same component. It offers speed, consistency, and ease of use, particularly in large or team-based projects. The framework’s ability to automatically purge unused classes, along with its high customizability and standardized configuration, makes it a powerful tool for maintaining scalable and maintainable codebases.

  • Vanilla CSS is best when you need full control over your styling, are working on smaller projects, or have specific design requirements that Tailwind’s utility classes can’t easily accommodate. It’s a great option for those who prefer simplicity and don’t want to deal with the overhead of learning a new framework.



Ultimately, the choice between Tailwind CSS and vanilla CSS comes down to what works best for you and your team. If you value having your code and styles in one place, prefer standardized configurations, and want to minimize the cognitive load of managing class names, Tailwind CSS is likely the better choice. However, if you need full control over your styles or are working on a smaller project where simplicity is key, vanilla CSS might be the way to go.

Both approaches have their merits, and by understanding the strengths and limitations of each, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your development workflow and project goals.


P.S. Why I like Tailwind

For developers who prefer to keep their code and styles tightly integrated within components, Tailwind CSS is a clear winner. Tailwind's utility-first approach allows you to write styles directly in your HTML, eliminating the need to switch back and forth between HTML and CSS files. This alone can streamline your workflow, making it easier to focus on building components without the distraction of managing separate stylesheets.

Here are some key reasons why I like Tailwind CSS so much:

  1. Automatic Documentation

    Tailwind’s utility classes serve as self-documenting code. The class names describe what they do, making your code more readable and easier to understand. This reduces the need for extensive documentation since the purpose of each class is clear from the start.

  2. Automatic Purging of Unused Classes

    One of the standout features of Tailwind is its ability to automatically purge unused classes from your final CSS bundle. This ensures that your CSS file remains lean and optimized, improving load times and performance without any extra effort on your part.

  3. Works Great Out of the Box and Highly Customizable

    Tailwind CSS is designed to work out of the box, offering a comprehensive set of utility classes that cover most design needs. However, it’s also highly customizable—whether you need to extend the default theme, add new utilities, or modify existing ones, Tailwind makes it easy to tailor the framework to your specific project.

  4. Standardized Configuration for Easier Maintainability

    Tailwind provides a standardized configuration that helps ensure consistency across your project. This is especially beneficial in teams where multiple developers are working on the same codebase. By adhering to a shared configuration, you can maintain uniformity in styles and reduce the overhead of managing class names and styles.

  5. Solving Cross-Browser Compatibility

    Tailwind helps mitigate cross-browser inconsistencies, ensuring that your designs behave the same across different browsers. This can save significant time and frustration in debugging and maintaining your styles.

  6. Reducing Cognitive Load

    Tailwind removes the burden of coming up with and maintaining unique class names, which can often become a cumbersome task in larger projects. With Tailwind, you use utility classes that are both descriptive and reusable, reducing the cognitive load associated with managing styles.


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