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Ian Felix
Ian Felix

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How to get query params from a URL in JavaScript

Use the property searchParams from URL interface to get the query params from a URL.


In the following example, we have a URL with name and lastname as query params.

const url = new URL('');

// using method get from searchParams

const name = url.searchParams.get('name');
const lastName = url.searchParams.get('lastname');

console.log(name); // 'Ian'
console.log(lastName); // 'Felix'

const myName = `${name} ${lastName}`;

console.log(myName); // 'Ian Felix' - this is my name :)
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We can use some methods from the searchParams to help us to handle with the query params.


Below is a list of some methods from the searchParams property.

// returns the value of the first query parameter with the given name

// returns an array of all query parameters with the given name

// returns true if the given query parameter exists

// sets the value of the first query parameter with the given name
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You can find more information about interfaces and type aliases in the official TypeScript documentation. - MDN Docs

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