
Cover image for Background removal on car images - Machine learning project

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Background removal on car images - Machine learning project


The goal of this project was to have an algorithm capable of removing the background of a vehicle image automatically with machine learning.


This was done with Python using the framework Keras, Tensorflow and a number of known python libraries like Numpy, Pandas, OpenCV, etc…

The algorithm uses a lot of CPU power to predict and remove the background and by consequence, this raises a scalability issue, it can get very costly to deploy and scale something like this.
So to get something high-performance and scalable, i did a lot of work optimizing the code, packaging, removing useless code all to reduce the size of the end result.

After weeks of hard work, i was able to deploy it in a Serverless environment on Google cloud with Cloud Functions.
So now, i had a ML model that is fast, scalable and almost totally free (1mil operations per month for free).


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