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4 main differences between forEach() and map() you should know

Ibrahima Ndaw on January 20, 2020

Originally posted on my blog JavaScript has some handy methods which help us iterate our arrays. The two most used for iteration is Array.prototyp...
pencillr profile image
Richard Lenkovits

I love this kind of small informative articles.

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

Glad you like it.

iliadtoboggan profile image
Iliad toboggan

Liked the post. I think the easiest point for me to remember the difference is how I would use the two function names in a sentence. For a .map() example, "I'm going to this new land area out." This sentence implies the production of some item, a new map of a new land area. Just like the function .map(), we will have a new item mapped out after the action is done. For forEach(), "For each lemon I have, I'm going to cut it in half." Here for each implies that I'm going to perform an action on each individual lemon. Just like the function call itself.

For most function names I try to do some kind of relation to their context in a sentence.

After all, I bet there was probably a bit of though that was put into the naming of these functions by the JS architect who designed them.


ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚The way of differentiating thing is just funny. I should give it a try.

sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr

Did not read the article, but the title reminded me of code I found were people used map instead of foreach.

Which whenever it happens makes me want to headbut my screen in excited anger.

I’ll read the article now, but my bruised forehead wants to thank you in advance.

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

Thank you so much. Hopefully, you'll find value on it

brianmcoates profile image

Great article I have found mdn is great but sometimes you get those really vague explanations of things. MDN is also not the end all be all it's kind of like the wikipedia of Js css etc. I say that because it's editable by you and my right now. Sometimes there is validation of what you say is true when you are putting it in but not when I updated some css docs.

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

I totally agree. Sometimes, things become clear once you test it by yourself. But overall, MDN is great.

cappe987 profile image

I would like to clarify that, regarding point 1, map() and forEach() do not expect the same type of functions. forEach() expects a function that takes in one argument and returns nothing. Passing in the function x => x * x wouldn't even be valid in many other languages with a similar function. map() instead expects a function that takes in one argument and returns a new value of any type.

Since forEach() is a void function (undefined in JS) it should preferably only be used for IO operations where no return value is expected (eg. changing the DOM or printing to console).

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

Thanks, for your comment I intentionally use the same example for both map and forEach to just not confuse folks. But, if you read my final thought, you'll see that map is all about transforming data, and this example should be done with map.

mariewie profile image

Thank you for the very handy article and the great explanation. I am just learning about both these methods for the first time, and while I assumed there was at least one difference (why else have two methods), the tutorial I am following and MDN unfortunately were both rather vague on the matter. So this was a great explanation that came at exactly the right time. Thanks for writing it.

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

Your comment means a lot to me. I'm glad you find value on it. And thanks again for reading it.

iraamoni profile image

really nice post :) thank you for sharing

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

I'm glad you like it. Thanks again for reading it

fullstacktuts profile image
Full Stack Tutorials

Very nice post

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

napoleon039 profile image
Nihar Raote

Knowing the difference between the two in terms of mutability and performance will certainly help. Thank you for writing this informative article.

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

You're welcome. Thanks for reading it too

aftabksyed profile image
Aftab Syed

Very handy information. Thank you for the article πŸ‘

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

You're welcome

fericoder profile image
