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step 1
make sure you download and install nodejs if you haven't
use this link download NodeJs
create a new folder called tailwindproj (you can call it anything you like)
step 3
open the project folder in your code editor (I am using Vs Code)
and open a new terminal
step 4
copy and run the following command into your terminal
npm init -y
step 5
npm install -D tailwindcss
step 6
npx tailwindcss init
step 7
copy and replace the command in "tailwind.config.js" file with the command below
module.exports = {
content: ["./public/**/*.{html,js}"],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
step 8
-create a new folder called "src" inside your project folder
-create a file called "styles.css" inside the src folder
step 9
copy and paste the code below inside the styles.css file created
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
*step 10 *
paste and run the code below in your terminal
npx tailwindcss -i ./src/styles.css -o ./public/styles.css --watch
step 11
A new folder called "public" is automatically generated after running the command above
-create a new html file "index.html" for your project inside the folder "public"
step 11
link the generated css file (styles.css) to your project.
your project should basically look like this now
step 12
reload your project and that's it.
here is the link to the video Watch Video here's straight to point.
please, do not forget to subscribe
Help my Channel grow π π
thaaaank you sooo much π
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