Welcome to this tutorial on how to create a tic-tac-toe game using Python. In this guide, we will go through all the steps necessary to build a functional tic-tac-toe game, including creating the grid, initializing the game, handling user input, and checking for a winner. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully-functional tic-tac-toe game that you can play with a friend or family member.
the Game
Tic-tac-toe is a paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.
Tic-tac-toe is played on a three-by-three grid by two players, alternately placing the marks X and O in one of the nine spaces in the grid.
In the following example, the first player (X) wins the Game in seven steps:
Game of Tic-tac-toe, won by X
There is no universally-agreed rule as to who plays first, but in this article, the convention that X plays first is used.
Setting up the game in Python
To begin building our tic-tac-toe game in Python, we will first need to create the grid. We can represent the grid as a 3x3 matrix of integers, with each element representing a space on the grid. For example:
# row_1 row_2 row_3
grid = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]`
In this representation, each 0 represents an empty space. Later, these zeros will be replaced by 1 for player One and 2 for player Two.
Displaying the grid
To display the grid to the user, we can define a function that takes the grid as an argument and prints it to the console. To give the grid a more visually appealing look, we can create a dictionary of symbols to use for each element in the grid. For example:
grid_symbols = {
0: ' ',
1: 'X',
2: 'O'
def display_grid(grid):
row_1 = [grid_symbols[i] for i in grid[0]]
row_2 = [grid_symbols[i] for i in grid[1]]
row_3 = [grid_symbols[i] for i in grid[2]]
print(f' 1 2 3 columns \n1 r {row_1}\n2 o {row_2}\n3 w {row_3}')
grid = [[1, 0, 0],
[0, 2, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
# Output:
# 1 2 3 columns
# 1 r ['X', ' ', ' ']
# 2 o [' ', 'O', ' ']
# 3 w [' ', ' ', ' ']
Handling user input
To allow the players to make a move, we can define a function that prompts the user for a row and column and marks the chosen space with the current player's symbol. The function should take the player as a parameter, which will be used to display which player's turn it is. The function should also check that the input is valid (i.e., a number between 1 and 3). For example:
def user_input(player):
row_valid = False
column_valid = False
player = player
While not row_valid:
row = input(f"{player} please Choose a row: ")
if row.isnumeric() and int(row) < 4 and int(row) >=1:
row_valid = True
else:print("Input invalid please choose a number from 1 to 3")
While not column_valid:
column = input(f"{player} please Choose a column: ")
if column.isnumeric() and int(column) < 4 and int(column) >=1:
column_valid = True
else:print("Input invalid please choose a number from 1 to 3")
return (int(row),int(column))
Player One, please Choose a row:
Player Two, please Choose a row:
step Three
create a function to check whether a position in the grid is already taken.
def check_grid(row,column):
if grid[row][column] == 1 or grid[row][column] == 2:
return False
else: return True
step four
let's create the main loop where we can actually play the Game.
def start_game():
player_one_choose = True
while True:
if player_one_choose:
player_row,player_column = user_input("Player One")
if check_grid(player_row - 1,player_column - 1):
grid[player_row - 1][player_column - 1] = 1
player_one_choose = False
player_one_choose = True
print("The position is already taken")
player_row,player_column = user_input("Player Two")
if check_grid(player_row - 1,player_column - 1):
grid[player_row - 1][player_column - 1] = 2
player_one_choose = True
player_one_choose = False
print("The position is already taken")
The Game is now playable, but there's one final step. The last function is to determine who will be the winner of the Game.
step five
create a function to check the winner. Then implement the function inside the main loop of the Game.
def checkWinner(grid):
for i in range(0,3):
if grid[i][0] == grid[i][1] == grid[i][2] != 0:
return grid[i][0]
elif grid[0][i] == grid[1][i] == grid[2][i] != 0:
return grid[0][i]
if grid[0][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[2][2] != 0:
return grid[0][0]
elif grid[0][2] == grid[1][1] == grid[2][0] != 0:
return grid[0][0]
elif 0 not in grid[0] and 0 not in grid[1] and 0 not in grid[2]:
return 0
return -1
def start_game():
player_one_choose = True
while True:
if player_one_choose:
player_row,player_column = user_input("Player One")
if check_grid(player_row - 1,player_column - 1):
grid[player_row - 1][player_column - 1] = 1
player_one_choose = False
player_one_choose = True
print("The position is already taken")
player_row,player_column = user_input("Player Two")
if check_grid(player_row - 1,player_column - 1):
grid[player_row - 1][player_column - 1] = 2
player_one_choose = True
player_one_choose = False
print("The position is already taken")
if checkWinner(grid) == 1:
print("X WON!")
if checkWinner(grid) == 2:
print("O WON!")
Now that we have all the necessary functions, we can put them together to create a complete tic-tac-toe game. First, we will define a function to initialize the game, which will create an empty grid and set the current player to "X". Then, we will create a loop that will continue until the game is over (either because a player has won or the grid is full). Within the loop, we will call the display_grid and get_move functions to allow the players to make their moves and update the grid accordingly. Finally, we will call the check_winner function to see if the game is over and display the result.
Here is an example of what the complete code might look like:
full code
grid = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
import os
clear = lambda: os.system('cls')
grid_simbols = {
def start_game():
player_one_choose = True
while True:
if player_one_choose:
player_row,player_column = user_input("Player One")
if check_grid(player_row - 1,player_column - 1):
grid[player_row - 1][player_column - 1] = 1
player_one_choose = False
player_one_choose = True
print("The position is already taken")
player_row,player_column = user_input("Player Two")
if check_grid(player_row - 1,player_column - 1):
grid[player_row - 1][player_column - 1] = 2
player_one_choose = True
player_one_choose = False
print("The position is already taken")
if checkWinner(grid) == 1:
print("X WON!")
if checkWinner(grid) == 2:
print("O WON!")
def user_input(player):
row_valid = False
column_valid = False
player = player
while not row_valid:
row = input(f"{player} please Choose a row: ")
if row.isnumeric() and int(row) < 4 and int(row) >=1:
row_valid = True
else:print("Input invalid please choose a number from 1 to 3")
while not column_valid:
column = input(f"{player} please Choose a column: ")
if column.isnumeric() and int(column) < 4 and int(column) >=1:
column_valid = True
else:print("Input invalid please choose a number from 1 to 3")
return (int(row),int(column))
def print_grid():
row_1 = [grid_simbols[i] for i in grid[0]]
row_2 = [grid_simbols[i] for i in grid[1]]
row_3 = [grid_simbols[i] for i in grid[2]]
print(f' 1 2 3 columns \n1 r {row_1}\n2 o {row_2}\n3 w {row_3}')
def check_grid(row,column):
if grid[row][column] == 1 or grid[row][column] == 2:
return False
else: return True
def checkWinner(grid):
for i in range(0,3):
if grid[i][0] == grid[i][1] == grid[i][2] != 0:
return grid[i][0]
elif grid[0][i] == grid[1][i] == grid[2][i] != 0:
return grid[0][i]
if grid[0][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[2][2] != 0:
return grid[0][0]
elif grid[0][2] == grid[1][1] == grid[2][0] != 0:
return grid[0][0]
elif 0 not in grid[0] and 0 not in grid[1] and 0 not in grid[2]:
return 0
return -1
Congratulations! You have now created a fully-functional tic-tac-toe game using Python. You can try running the code and playing the game with a friend or family member to see how it works. You can also try adding additional features, such as a scoreboard to keep track of wins and losses, or the ability to play against the computer. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new about Python programming.
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