DEV Community

Discussion on: Please be professional and stop saying "I'm almost done!"

iilness2 profile image
andre aliaman

Hmm.. interesting article.

sometimes people behave not because they want to but because of the environment around them made them choose to do it.

Not sure about the agile method you used and the function/role from your agile coach in your team, but when you worked on the project with the agile method, you can always make an evaluation when you finish one cycle process. From there, you can see the feedback and you can evaluate your team capacity.

If your team always doesn't hit a certain target which was agreed at the beginning, maybe that's the right time to made evaluation.

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

not completely sure what you mean exactly, but we do have, ( even too sparse imho) kind of sprint retrospectives/evaluations where we check for example in the last 3 months of all the tickets we worked on if we managed to keep up to the estimate, if we did not, we somehow reasses our way ouf doing the estimates and/or of creating tickets/describing tasks.