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What is web 3? How is it different from web 2?


Since the creation of the internet, web technologies have constantly evolved, leading to an outburst of innovation and growth in the tech community. Web 3 is the latest idea and vision of the future of the internet, in which people are in full control of their personal data and choose who gets access to that information.

Web 2

Web 2 is mainly described as the generation of the internet we are primarily exposed to now, where users exchange their data for value from tech companies around the world. It is referred to as the read/write web, because users can interact with web applications by posting content and can also consume content.

Web 3

Web 3 is an idea for the next generation of the internet where data would be interconnected in a decentralized manner, ensuring that no single organization has autonomy over the information spread across the internet.

Major differences between web2 and web 3

The major difference between Web 3 and Web 2 would be how data is distributed and stored across the internet. Here are some of the major differences I found on the internet:

  • Web 3 is built around decentralization of data while in Web 2, data is centralized within tech giants.

  • In web 3, data is stored on a decentralized ledger known as a blockchain, whereas, tech companies keep information on their private servers and databases in web 2.

  • In web 2, companies exchange value by sharing users data to third party vendors, however, web 3 plans to break down this barrier by allowing users to own their data and subsequently monetize them.

  • Since users are in control of their data in web 3, information censorship would be limited, since no single organization can independently restrict users access without permission from the user. This however, is a major concern as criminals can exploit this freedom to promote illegal activities on the internet.

  • Web 3 companies are run by DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) which are organizations run by members of the public that own a stake in a decentralized project, either by owning tokens from the project or other forms of value determined by the community. In contrast, web 2 companies are run by shareholders and can be easily influenced by the decisions of the centralized body.


The concept of web 3 is relatively new with a lot of questions still unanswered, there is still a lot to uncover, which makes it even more exciting as we explore the numerous possibilities.
Every new advancement comes with its perks and pitfalls especially in the early days, but as more people understand the possibilities and potentials, this leads to more stability and ultimately mainstream adoption.

There are numerous opportunities available in the web 3 space but you need to acquire specific skills and understand how the system works. Learning resources are not as abundant as other fields, but a few organizations are taking the initiative to train people to become experts in this field. Block Games is an excellent opportunity to learn Web 3 skills, it is organized by the Zuri team and sponsored by Nestcoin.

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