So here I am, starting on a clean slate, delving into another field in tech as a Technical Writer.
I started out as a developer, backend developer. I loved writing codes, I still do. I code in PHP and Python.
A friend of mine, when he heard I was delving into technical writing asked me, "What about your coding?", and I responded, "Coding is in my blood, nothing can take it away. I'm still a backend developer through and through".
So, how did this journey or interest into technical writing begin?
It is a common saying that programmers hate writing. Well, I guess I grew into loving to write out of necessity.
A quick background story...
I worked in a company where we had limited man-power. The company got a project that required a user manual/technical documentation for the application we were to develop. I was the developer, but no technical writer. I had no choice but to adjust to that role, howbeit grudgingly. I had no idea I was actually technical writing. I finished the manual and it was good and easy for the users to understand. We had about two more projects that also needed users documentations and, once again, I had to fit into that role and deliver.
I discovered I loved to program and write also.
Fast forward to some months ago, a friend sent me a job vacancy for a technical writing position and my first thought was, "I'm not interested. I want to code not write". But after much advise, and looking through the job role, I decided to apply and suprisingly, I was called for interview and to cut the long story short, I got the job as a technical writer for my new company.
I'm no expert yet, still learning, unlearning and relearning.
So join me, as I document my technical writing experience and journey.

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