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Parth • imParth
Parth • imParth

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An Ultimate Guide to Open Source Contribution for Beginners


Do you ever stop and think about how you could become part of that small group of people who are writing software that governing the digital world?

Open-source projects offer the solution. They work as well-stocked workshops where trained coding engineers from various disciplines collaborate to make and develop useful software products. However, if you have just entered the space, you will notice that it is intimidating. No need to be afraid! By clicking here, you can travel to the far-off world of open source that you will love too even though you may be a newbie in coding or an eager developer wanting to get your feet wet.

  1. Understanding Open Source:
    First things first. Open-source is software with a heart that beats transparency. It is like a recipe that is out in the open, and everyone can see the ingredients and modify them to get something even better. Really cool, isn't it?

  2. Choosing Your Adventure:
    There are so many projects around that it may be rather difficult to decide which one to join. GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket are your playgrounds. Focus on projects that attract you most, where the community welcomes you and the tasks are thrilling.

  3. Getting Your Tools Ready:
    It's time to arm yourself! Usually, each project comes with its own installation instructions. However, these are not scary as the majority of them include a very user-friendly guide. Just follow the steps on how to install the tools that you need to begin your project with.

  4. Finding Your Mission:
    So, let's go to work now. Here are some great places to start from - "good first issue" or "beginner-friendly." These small papers are task suggestions for newcomers. Find out which of these ideas interests you and start solving the problem!

  5. Crafting Your Contribution:
    You're about to get in the action while adding your special touch. Copy the project, make your personal playground branch, and get your hands dirty by experimenting. Don't be afraid to fall into errors; it's indeed the learning curve. At time, you will be good to go, just send off your article with pull request.

  6. Joining the Party:
    Through coding, people not only reinforce the project, but they also strengthen the team. Jump into discussions, ask questions, and assist wherever you can. In the open-source community, you can always find someone who is pleasant and who eagerly shares knowledge and opportunities for cooperation.

  7. Embracing Feedback:
    The openness of the community allows feedback to be your ally, as in open source. There is no harm in suggesting a few alternatives; ask for opinions, look for useful insights, and adapt your output to new conditions. The piece should be a cooperative effort between the members.

  8. Celebrating Your Victory:
    Once you are credited for a pull request, it is time to throw a digital party. Now, you are an official member of the open-source community, a group of tech-savvy people writing the codes of the future.


Beginners with a burning desire to code, not just the experts, also have a place in the world of open source. So step out of your zone and take a chance. So don't be afraid to take that first step. With this guide as your compass, you're ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of open source. Happy coding!

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