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Lydia Ingabire
Lydia Ingabire

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Let me start my blog post by sharing what I think about what a mindset is as it is what I am going to focus on in this post.

A Mindset is a belief that orients the way we handle situations — the way we sort out what is going on and what we should do. Your mindset has a profound effect on achievement, skills acquisition, and other areas of life. A person with a growth mindset believes their abilities can be gotten through hard work and dedication.

let me focus on one type of mindset which is a growth mindset, you might ask yourself what is growth mindset and what is a fixed mindset.

Growth mindset:
is the belief that you are in control with your own abilities and that you can learn and improve and this is a key to success.

Fixed mindset:
is the belief that you are not in control of your deeds it is like saying you can not learn new things, people with a fixed mindset you will recognize them in many situations they are always negative and they always think that nothing you can do if you don't know something.

By nature, I love technology so much because with technology you came up with solutions to some problems society has and because I did not learn technology at school I decided to learn it by myself which was like dedicating my life to it. learning programming been a way for me to demonstrate a growth mindset but you can ask yourself how?

but before telling you about how I demonstrated a growth mindset let me share what I discovered in this journey about how you can develop a growth mindset:

-Acknowledge your weakness:
Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them.

-View challenges as opportunities:
Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement.

-Try different learning tactics:
There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you. some may understand very once they read something but others they understand after a lot of research.. some like to use videos but others like to read so you have to know which tactics work for you.

-Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”:
When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned.

Recently I demonstrated a growth mindset by attending the Bootcamp once again, I call this a growth mindset because any normal person when you fail more than one time you might start thinking that maybe you are trying something which is not for you. and of course, people who surrounded you might tell you that you have to try something else if you fail.

But because I started learning to program when I took time to think about it I decided to move forward because giving up is the biggest failure of all than to keep trying. And with a growth mindset, I learned to find solutions of my problems even in normal life and when it comes to programming I learned to solve any bug I have by myself before asking help and it really worked so much because by now at least I can deliver something I designed myself.

Looking back when I started this journey I smile because I have come from far but now I can be proud of myself to where I am now.
Let me conclude by encouraging each and everyone who will read this blog post to develop this growth mindset you will never regret it.

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