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Cover image for Hatthi - from <null> to MVP at lightning speed
Cristian Stanescu
Cristian Stanescu

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Hatthi - from <null> to MVP at lightning speed

Ever wished you could generate fully functional Laravel code tailored to your needs without spending time writing boilerplate? Say hello to Hatthi!

Hatthi is a platform that aims to allow developers to scaffold and manage Laravel™ projects at lightning speed.

When building modern web applications, developers have to take care of a lot of aspects: frontend (HTML views, fonts, colors etc.), security (authorization, authentication, rate limiting etc.), routing, storage, database (models, migrations, seeding etc.) and much more.

Laravel™ is a great web framework, probably the best. It gives developers the chance to take care of all of these aspects with ease, securely and efficiently. Nevertheless the amount of files needed to manage all these features can be hard to follow, especially for newcomers.

Even experienced developers can confirm that writing routes, setting up models, controllers, configuration files and more, can become repetitive and time consuming. This is not a problem of the framework, it's just inevitable.

Hatthi helps developers, both newbies and advanced, to speed up the process of managing applications and focus on their logic.

To achieve this, Hatthi offers a simple, easy to use, yet powerful UI.

For example, defining a model should include not only creating the model class and defining its relations, but also writing database migrations and optionally (but recommended) creating seeders. A lot of redundant work.
With Hatthi developers are able to easily define table fields and their properties, relations between tables and seeding behavior and Hatthi will generate all the files to reflect the chosen configuration in code.

Similarly various features like authentication and authorization, rate limiting, composer packages, environment variables and much more are easy to set up in a few clicks and the code is generated by Hatthi.

The integrated WYSIWYG html editor allows developers to quickly design the UI, localise content on the fly, consume variables, define conditional rendering and loop rendering, styles and even embedded JS code. Thanks to an intuitive code builder, developers can also define custom variables and code and take advantage of the powerful Facade features of Laravel™.

Developers can download the generated code or publish it directly to a repository of choice.

All ⃰ the code generated by Hatthi is human readable and well formatted (well... Maybe the HTML code of the views is still a "little unformatted", but we're working on it...).

We launched Hatthi as a Beta version still undergoing testing.

Visit , register for free and create your first project to get a glimpse of what Hatthi can do for you and let us know what you think, we are looking for developers to test and share feedback!

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