What all we need ….??
- http package to make the request.
- dart:convert to process the response from server.
So now let’s make an App that will make API request to get the List of ToDo’s.
And then we will display the first ToDo.
Let’s get into the steps:
1. Creating UI.
Create a ListTile , that will show our ToDo and a button which will make API request.
2. Making Request.
Create a method ,which will make API request.
3. Processing Data.
Now, we have to process the response, so we can use it easily.
4.Updating UI
Update the UI with received data.
5. Functionality
At last, add functionality to the Raised Button
The URL i have used above provides dummy API’s for trial
Also don’t forget to mention the http package in the pubspec.yaml file.
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