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Apple Just Shipped Web Components to Production and You Probably Missed It

Max Lynch on September 06, 2019

Yesterday Apple announced the release of the new beta Apple Music Web Client, giving Apple Music customers the ability to listen to their favorite ...
daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

It is just awesome 😃

Congrats Ionic and Stencil team! Always bet on the web 🚀

jonathanabrams profile image
Jon Abrams

If you think that Apple using Web Components is a big endorsement (it is!), just wait until you find out that YouTube has been using them for years!

baukereg profile image
Bauke Regnerus

I love this! I'm an Ember developer for years, yet all hipsters tell me Ember is a thing of the past and I should move on. I'm also advocating for Web Components, yet recently there seems to be this hype of calling Web Components dead. Apple just made my day!

joelvarty profile image
Joel Varty

Looks awesome and works great!
Web Components are really cool - can't wait to see them proliferate even more.

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

Stencil seems to check all of the boxes by providing a way to use Web Components and filling in any gaps or barriers to entry. I like that you can start with a component library or a full app setup with routing, making it easy to get started. The API seems so simple as well. I'll definitely be giving it a shot.

seanmclem profile image
Seanmclem • Edited

I've been using Stencil JS in a lot of projects lately. I'm glad to see Apple embracing the web a bit more recently.

Edit: Since Safari 12 they've been supporting a lot of newer specs more quickly than usual. Their AR push has also included some new web spec proposals. Now all these Stenciljs components? This is certainly one of the bigger names to embrace Stencil. In recent years Apple has favored native Apps over web tech. Maybe they've had a change of heart. .

larsdenbakker profile image
Lars den Bakker

This is great, thanks for sharing and congratulations to the Stencil team :)

vancuren profile image
Russell Van Curen • Edited

Congrats! Great news for the Ionic/Stencil team. Glad to see even more companies utilizing the Ionic ecosystem!

mickdelaney profile image
mick delaney

That’s huge news, congrats on stencil getting the nod on such a huge product !

anthonylebrun profile image
Pierre Lebrun



This made my day.

Go Stencil!

boyoz profile image

This is exciting; Web Components are still not getting the attention they deserve despite the fantastic advantages they bring.

I just published a Web Component for integrating domain-independent smart assistants into any website with voice input. Feel free to check out and let me know what you think: (

timonweb profile image
Tim Kamanin 🚀 • Edited

Yeah, and the bundle size is around 3MB 😭 (non-gzipped)

adamdbradley profile image
Adam Bradley

Luckily the web components are not apart of that bundle. In total, all of the stencil components appear to take up around 60kb, which means their components have about 57kb of their own logic, and the remaining 3kb is stencil.

tdumitrescu profile image

Awesome. Not as huge as some of the other players, but at Mixpanel we've been using Web Components in production for our primary UIs for over 3.5 years now. I did a writeup about it last year:

newtonmunene_yg profile image
Newton Munene

Way to go

dabit3 profile image
Nader Dabit

Very cool and interesting to see major players adopting web components, and especially StencilJS. Nice work Max & Ionic team 👏

gmzdev profile image

bright future for StencilJS

israelfloresdga profile image
Israel Flores DGA

Go LitElement!

Yeah, I had to say it 😄

cthos profile image
Alexander Ward

This is awesome. I'm very excited about Web Components in general and <3 Stencil so it's great to see the tech getting more and more adoption.

manadaym profile image
Manaday Mavani

This is great! This post will help many developers to convince their managers that Web Components is the next big thing and Stencil leads it these days. 😜

hypeddev profile image
Oliver Williams

Other than the video player, I'm finding it really hard to find any web components on the beta Apple Music site.

grandemayta profile image
Gabriel Mayta

Several companies are starting to use WebComponents, from Apple to ING. This is amazing, we have to support standards.

yinon profile image
Yinon Oved

Great news, wonder why the new app isn't installable but that's not the purpose of the talk...
I find it funny hearing you often mention how the community oppose web components. I don't get it