Today I suddenly wanted to learn vim on a whim, and opened youtube to learn from blogger Huang Haojie. Here are some notes below.
The address of his video: vim入门教程(第2讲) - YouTube
- w: the next word
- B: the previous word
- H: left
- L:right
- J:dwon
- k:up
- ctrl + F: turn up
- ctrl + D: turn down
xxx(line number) + gg: jump to the specified line
xxx(line number) + j: jump xxx lines down
xxx(line number) + k: jump xxx lines up
- / + xxx(the word to find): find all the specified word
we can jump by pressing on the N key on the keyboard.Instead,we can use the shift + n to find the previous word.
- cc: cut a specified line
we can also cut specified lines use the command of 'cc', for example, if we want to cut 2 lines, we can use this command: 'c2c'.
- u: revoke the previous operation
- p: paste
This is the first time for me to write a blog in English, so if there is a mistake, please correct me.
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