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Twitter/X Interests

I like Twitter/X, its my favorite social media platform. I like to use it follow people I am interested in and inspire me.

Twitter/X has a For You tab which is an alothorithmically generated feed of tweets that it thinks you will like. I like this feature because it helps me discover new people and things that I am interested in.

But, recently I have noticed Its been showing me things that I am not interested in whatsoever. When you go to you can see what are the topcis Twitter/X thinks you are interested in.

So, I counted them using javascript in the console and I have 377 topics apparently. And belive me when I see that 80% of them are not things I am interested in (Example: Mark Zuckerberg, Vladimir Putin, Pumpkin recipes 🎃, etc). So, I deleted them by executing javascript in the browser's console that will uncheck all the checkboxes. Hope this helps me get better recommendations. 😄

SIDE NOTE: when trying to copy a code snippet and paste it in browser's (Chrome) console, you will need to allow pasting in the console by writing allow pasting in the console and pressing enter. Then you can paste the code snippet and press enter to execute it.


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