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iScanner for iPhone and Android
iScanner for iPhone and Android

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Stay on Top of Deadlines with Custom Reminders

Oh no, I’m supposed to turn this in tomorrow! I can’t believe I forgot!

If this rings a bell, welcome to the club. We’ve all been there. Small comfort though it is, most people sometimes struggle to keep on top of deadlines. If only essays and reports could remind you that it’s T minus 7 days, it would save you all the last-minute panic and scramble.

Well, the great news is that now they can!

Say Goodbye to Missed Deadlines with Custom Reminders in iScanner

Whether you're a student with assignments to turn in, a freelancer with project deadlines, or a busy professional with reports due, it's all too easy to get caught up in the web of daily chores and forget that an important deadline is approaching.

We’ve got your back, though—now you can set reminders for your documents that need to be turned in on a certain date.

To see how to set a reminder in the iScanner app, please see this blog post.

Make a Note for Your Future Self

Another great thing about the new feature is that you can write a message to yourself within the reminder. When you enter the custom reminder menu, apart from the time and date, the app also allows you to add a short text message.

Don’t hesitate to put those text boxes to good use. Sometimes it’s more than a due date about a report or an assignment that we need to keep in mind, like certain requirements for its length or contents or the name of the person you need to send it to.

Keep Calm and Give Yourself Buffer Time with Repeating Reminders

Sometimes we have so much on our plate that things can get too hectic for a single reminder to do the trick. That’s why we’ve added the Repeat feature. When setting a reminder, you can also choose for it to be repeated after a certain time.

This can come in handy if you’re too busy to do what needs to be done when you get a reminder. The repeat feature will ensure that you get as many notifications as it takes to stay on top of your deadlines.

Reduce Cognitive Overload

Do you sometimes find yourself listening to someone but not hearing a word they’re saying because your mind is overloaded with information and tasks? You’re not alone. Our working memory is a precious resource that also happens to be very limited.

Research shows that we can only keep four to seven things on our minds at a time. Given how busy we all are, it’s no wonder we keep forgetting things!

That’s why offloading some of the information onto a piece of paper or into a mobile app is an excellent way to free up your working memory (a piece of paper won’t send you reminders, though, but iScanner will). This can help you focus on the tasks at hand, process new information more effectively, and enjoy the present moment.

In addition, recent research has shown that using electronic reminders can improve the ability to focus and reduce forgetfulness and stress levels by alleviating the need for individuals to mentally keep track of tasks and deadlines.

So set your reminders for all the documents that are due and forget about them until iScanner reminds you that it’s time to take action. Save your working memory for bigger and greater things than worrying about upcoming deadlines.

The feature is available on both iOS and Android—don’t hesitate to try it!

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